hello everyone, im basically trying to set up a remote desktop web connection and as the title says i cant install Internet Information Services. when i go to add remove windows components and select it, after starting it says it cant copy staxmem.dll.

can anyone help me sort this out and to set up remote desktop web connections?

please provide more info.

is it NT,2k,XP pro, vista or server 2003 ?
Do you have the OS cd?
What service pack?

Im running on XP Pro SP2.

yes i have the OS disk

i have tried to install from the disk too and im having the same problem.

what else do you need to know, thanks for the reply

esentutl /g Drive:\WinDir\security\database\secedit.sdb

it says to enter this is cmd but im not sure what it means to put where it says "g Drive:" and "WinDir"

windows is installed on just the 1 C: drive

can you help?

thanks for the posts!

Note In this command, Drive is the hard disk drive where Windows XP Professional is installed, and WinDir is the folder where Windows XP Professional is installed

/g is a switch (an option passed to the essentutl command)

Replace "Drive:\WinDir" with wherever windows is installed (99% of the time thats "C:\WINDOWS" but it might be different if your install was an upgrade from windows 2000)

your firewall may be blocking it.

are you using the xp firewall or something else (mcaffee?)

i have a router which im guessing has a firewall and im using xp firewall. but i have opened both ports needed in the router and in xp firewall.

i can connect using the xp remote desktop connection program on another pc in my house, but not by using the web connection


try disabling the windows firewall and trying it

hi there, sorry i havnt replied in a bit. i have just tried disabling windows firewall and trying again but with no success.

the message i get from internet explorer is that the page cannot be found, if i click to open the "" homepage it then says "under construction"

any more ideas? thanks

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