I thought I'd clean up my boss's Win 2k puter because it was slowing down so much, so I thought since I knew all the users on our network, and he had heaps more than that.
So I deleted a whole load of them.
And now his puter doesn' connect the network, and no internet. And most of his icons on the desktop don't show up.
I read http://support.microsoft.com/kb/840001 and totally don't understand any of it.
I mean like I put all the users back in from his Documents and Settings folder. I just totally don't get all that ManagedBy and MemberOf stuff.
We're all just in a Users Group called WORKGROUP. How hard is that?
But I remember last week I started the network and his puter had some kind of error like checksum or something, and said it was "going to load the default something-or-other" Hit F1 to continue.
I was thinking maybe if I could find that. And load it. It'd bring my boss's puter back to before I deleted his stuff?
Please help, it's the weekend now, and I need to fix it before he gats back to work Monday. Or I'm totally cooked.