
Everything fine yesterday. Today, cannot get past the "Error Loading Operating System" message. Am running a Dell Inspiron 1300 with nothing fancy. PC has been all around the world with me and no problems. Have run the Dell Diagnostics and everything passed. Cannot actually get in to change the BIOS - Dell doesn't seem to actually show you how. Please, what can I do?????

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Which Operating System you are using in your PC. And please tell your problem in brief. Means when this error comes during boot process.

Hi there

Details are: System ME051, BIOS revision A04 (12/22/05).

When on button is pressed the "DELL" screen comes up and the Boot process starts but within one second the error message comes up. During Boot up I can get into the Setup and Dell Diagnostics etc but nothing else.

Does this help?

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

Its may be due to corrupted boot files.
To go into BIOS press the F1 or F2 if it not works then try 'del' key.


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