I am (attempting) to repair a computer for a friend and it is a typical teenagers computer ie. more things start up on boot than i have ever seen!

Moving on... THe first problem i came accross was an application error on Logonui.exe which read

The Instruction at "0x005e03c6" referenced memory at 0x005304c6". The memory could not be "written".

I looked online and found that you can get to the logon screen by clicking ok several times... so i did it and i got to the logon screen. Now: i was told there was no password and it looked like there was so I searched through several pages and managed to find out that if you just put the cursor in the password box and press enter it should logon. I did that and it worked! I then got through to the desktop - well the wallpaper and a blank screen. I opened the task manager and ran explorer.exe. I then searched for logonui.exe and it appeared in the normal place and the windows/prefetched folder and the windows/pchealth folder? I zipped all of the ones up from the pchealth folder and put the on the desktop so i can retrieve them (if needed). I then ran a full system scan with norton and it found 1 virus.


Yes with a "t" not an "s".

It supposedly repaired it.

Then the strangest thing happened... the system fonts changed! ie the start button etc. They are now in Bradley Hand (i think).

I then attempted to restart the computer but as soon as i hit the restart button up popped the logonui.exe app error from before!!!!

This is sooo frustrating.

If anyone has any ideas please help! I will be really really grateful.

Thanks in advance

Forgot to add: Its a Sony VAIO laptop running XP HOME.

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I'd be tempted to reformat it.

I think thats what i'm going to end up doing. It even fails to restore so I don't really have much of a choice.

But if anyone has any other ideas i'll be happy to give them a go. I won't be reformatting it till the end of the week atleast.


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