Server 2003

A file mapped on the server in the root of C:\ , At a workstation the mapped drive only

shows a tiny portion of the mapped drive.

...................Say a 100gb HDD shows 15kb.

Please Help

Could be a user permission issue. How is the drive mapped? Is it in a script? If so, can you provide the code?

Chris Fry
Canberra, Australia

Drive is mapped without a script, and is on the server.

A proprietary program we are trying to update will not take because it says that we do not have enough space.

the HDD is 160GB and has 130gb of free space.


It was a stupid software company! They remoted in and changed the quota on the mapped drive. Then called and said there was a problem and the business needed to pay $500 to have one of their teks fix it. lol..

Thank you for the help! Something so small right under my nose!

Sounds pretty dodgy... Break someone's system then charge them to fix it...


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