Hey guys,

Could someone show me how to write a batch file to install software? I just need something very basic that, when run, will auto install the software.

I know it isn't that hard, but I don't know how. :(

Why not post this in the programmers forum? I know you know this as you've been around the site for awhile.

well, considering it's more pertaining to DOS....

installing windows software with a .bat? you would need to find the actual setup switches to make it a silent install, and those are product specific

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Why not you use Autorun.inf (Setup Information) it will Auto Execute the Setup.exe.

but that way unattended or scripted setup will not work

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

For more Configuration also can setup a .ini file for it.

I have a .ini file setup that does a complete installation with no user intervention. I need a way to run the link through a script though.

Member Avatar for thunderstorm98

Also you can link .bat (MS-DOS Batch Script) through Autorun.inf File.

I understand how to make the script autorun, but I need help writing it.
Thanks though

yep, that really depends on the program. Just a double click silent install?

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Seriously, if you are using a big microsoft products i.e, office, outlook, autocad etc, just fire them off from the msi installers and call the relevant switches.

It really is that simple.

? you would need to find the actual setup switches to make it a silent install, and those are product specific

Not really. Most MSI packages use a standard set of switches (i wrote a bat file to install all MS hotfixes post SP2)

I understand how to make the script autorun, but I need help writing it.

Thanks though

you just write the DOS commands, one to a line (as if you were hitting enter. Thats it)

I don't know which DOS commands to use though :( i r newb, i know.



something like that

I've done that, and saved it as a .bat file. Didn't work though.

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