I'm trying to migrate a user's e-mail data to another pc.

I've got all this messages and everything moved over to the other pc my only problem is that when he tries to Send/Receive Mail on the new pc it says his password is incorrect when it tries to receive new mail.

Now, when I go back to the old pc using his same settings I can Send/Receive Mail just fine, no hiccup's whatsoever.

What puzzles me is it does the Send Mail portion of the Send/Receive Mail function just fine and the password is okay until it tries to Receive Mail that he has recently received.

Anybody got any ideas as to what is going on here?


Have a look at this site

and on the Microsoft support knowledgebase. There are articles on how to remove the password request issue.

there is a timeout glitch in Outlook that needs resolving.

Suspishio, I looked around that site and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. Would you mind pointing in a more specific location for me?


I had this problem once - or something similar and I forgot how I fixed it. These two sites gave me the clues I needed but I don't have the fix info stored anywhere. So I'd rather you did the searching!

To be a bit more precise, it kept on coming back asking for a login and password to the mail account. Search on "Repeated requests for Login Outlook".

Thanks again!

If and when I find the solution, I'll post a link here.

Yep - the described symptoms are what I had. I think I deleted the mail account and none of my other accounts had the problem. It was an SMTP account, not HTTP.

I'm not sure there's a solution there on that site. What type of mail account is it?

how did u move the files over, did u copy the pst file or u move over insividual messages. if it was the pst file its corrupted, remove the pst file to another directory, delete all other files, then create a new profile, use the old pst file to import your message and bam u set if u need more details check this out


is it possible the send and receive mail clients smtp info is incorrect in the accounts settings ,in the tool section of Outlook

Suspishio, yes, it is an SMTP account via my ISP, Cox.

bobbyraw, I copied the .pst file to a folder on our network and then in Outlook 2003 on the new computer I just clicked Open -> Outlook Data File and opened the .pst file I saved to our network.

In order to make sure that you don't actually have a password issue, perhaps your SMTP mail account has a web mail option (most do, like Yahoo, for example). This is often accessible through the ISP's own web site.

Then if you can log on with your passowrd, you'll know it's a setting or timeout issue with Outlook. You could try changing your password by this means and see what happens on the SMTP service.

If what capejack & bobbyraw suggest doesn't work, it's a case of who can read the most google stuff; you or us!

i use to have this prob and wht i seggested work plus i remove the profile from the registry also and i never had the problem again. ps it would not stop until i went into the registry. i am not suggesting you do this unless you know exactly what u are doing.

FWIW, I tried the fix that I posted and it did not work for those wondering.

Also, I should mention that when I try to telnet in my password does not work. Yet when I set the account up in Outlook Express everything works fine.

bobbyraw: I tried methods 1 and 3 with no luck.


Even if you forget the password for the encrypted PST file, you can still decrypt it by using Advanced Outlook Repair. Advanced Outlook Repair can decrypt all the encrypted data and convert it into a new PST file that doesn't require a password. You can visit http://www.datanumen.com/aor/problems/outlook-password.htm to get more detailed information.

http://www.datanumen.com/aor/ contains detailed information about Advanced Outlook Repair.

And you can also download a free demo version at http://www.datanumen.com/aor/aor.exe


hey,you do not need to know your password,
you can still decrypt it by using Advanced Outlook Repair. Advanced Outlook Repair can decrypt all the encrypted data and convert it into a new PST file that doesn't require a password. You can visit http://www.datanumen.com/aor/problems/outlook-password.htm to get more detailed information.

http://www.datanumen.com/aor/ contains detailed information about Advanced Outlook Repair.

And you can also download a free demo version at http://www.datanumen.com/aor/aor.exe

I can't understand your problem.

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