My OS: WinXP Home/SP2/AOL 9.0 I cannot read any .pdf documents. I have Adobe Reader 7.0 but I do not know if this is the program for reading this type of file. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

Adobe Reader is in deed one of the correct applications to open pdf files with.

Try opening Reader from either the desktop icon, or the program list and open the pdf file from inside the Reader.

If this does not work, the pdf file might be corrupt. Try downloading/creating the pdf again. You might also try to download a different small pdf to test with.

Adobe Reader is in deed one of the correct applications to open pdf files with.

Try opening Reader from either the desktop icon, or the program list and open the pdf file from inside the Reader.

If this does not work, the pdf file might be corrupt. Try downloading/creating the pdf again. You might also try to download a different small pdf to test with.

Many thanx for ur reply. I notice that Adobe Reader 7.0 takes up 40 MB of my disk space. I'm still not having any luck opening the .pdf file with Adobe.
Is there a smaller program that does the same job as Adobe Reader - reading .pdf files etc.? If so, would appreciate your recommendation - also instructions on how to completely "uninstall" Adobe before installing an alternative reader. Thanks again.

My OS: WinXP Home/SP2/AOL 9.0 I cannot read any .pdf documents. I have Adobe Reader 7.0 but I do not know if this is the program for reading this type of file. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

mmm, you may try a higher Adobe Reader, or other softwares that can replace Adobe Reader

My OS: WinXP Home/SP2/AOL 9.0 I cannot read any .pdf documents. I have Adobe Reader 7.0 but I do not know if this is the program for reading this type of file. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

did you download the pdf file to your hard drive, or are you trying to open them within the AOL browser .


I have similar problems and pdf files are corrupted. I finally try a utility called Advanced PDF Repair to repair my PDF files. It works rather well but not free. So I think it can be used at last.

Just post to hope this still can help in the future.


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