Hi there
sometimes when I begin tosave the game Haay Potter and the prisoner of the Azkaban in WinXP it gives an error like this :
"No Label
OS: Windows 2000 5.0 (Build: 2195)
CPU: GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 400 MHz with 319MB RAM
Video: No Video
General protection fault!
History: FPropertyTag::SerializeTaggedProperty <- SaveStream <- UStruct::SerializeTaggedProperties <- (iLeaf[0]) <- FPropertyTag::SerializeTaggedProperty <- SaveStream <- UStruct::SerializeTaggedProperties <- (Region[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (HPSpawnThingy HP3_GroundsHub.HPSpawnThingy0) <- AActor::Serialize <- SaveExports <- FArchiveFileWriter::~FArchiveFileWriter <- ULinkerSave::Destroy <- UObject::ConditionalDestroy <- (LinkerSave Transient.LinkerSave3) <- UObject::SavePackage <- UGameEngine::SaveGame <- PlayerSaving <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop"
and then comes out of the game and I loose my advantures upto that point(till the last saving)
What should I do?