Man this is frustrating! Oh..hello all!!

So like I was saying, my Vista Ultimate will start loading up, icons and desktop background visible, and it just stops! Seizes up completely. The computer seizes before the sidebar loads up. Not quite sure how to attack this problem. For a start I unplugged the USB devices; no help. I also, prior to the problem, ran one of those optimization programs which may be the cause of all this. Any ideas or suggestions??!!

Thank you very much,

Try booting to safe mode and hopefully the optimization program created a backup so you can undo the tweaks it made. Otherwise you could try a System Restore.

have you installed any other program, that woiuld require starting when the pc boots up? if so uninstall the program then reboot the pc

What are your system specs?

I would boot to safe mode and undo those "optimizations" that were run. Or use a restore point.

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