I'm having an issue with my router and the asus tech support people are not very helpful.

would love to hear if any of you here have any suggestions for me

running windows vista home premium 32bit
asus wl-500w n router

if i ever need to change a setting in my router once i save and reboot the router i can then connect to my network but i no longer have internet access. I can wait all day and i wont get internet access back. If i unplug the cable going to the wan port of the router and then plug my computer in wired directly to the modem i get internet access.

-i have tried powering off and leaving the router off and restarting it, this occasionally works
- i have tried the same with the modem
- i have tried the same with any number of combination of doing both
-you can add in rebooting my computer as well into the combination

sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't

sometimes just the process of plugging the cable into my laptop then plugging it back into the router works.

the wan light on the router blinks happily through out all of this and yet i can not get an internet connection.

it's like the router and the modem know eachother is there but they have suddenly started speaking two completely different languages.

it's all very irritating.

anyone ever heard of anything like this befor?

once i get it working it works beautifully with no problems at all untill i have to change another setting.

any suggestions or ideas about what might be causing this. since i can access the network i am assuming the problem is with the router or the modem but maybe not? could it be with my pc or with my isp?


one more thing i forgot to add.

right now i have two ip addresses from my isp. is there any possibility that that could be part of the problem?

mogivite, it sounds like you've got a wired and a wireless connection going, which really isn't a problem. I don't know why you have the issue when you update your router, I'm not familiar with that brand, but when you power down the units, you are effectively rebooting them, which will get your internet connection back, usually.

If you go that route, power down both the router and the modem and then restart them, modem first, and then router. That should give you a connection. Then read the router manual. You may be hitting a save button that reboots the router rather than simply saving the new configuration, who knows?

Otherwise, can I ask why you are continually changing the settings in the router? Once it's set, there really no reason to go back in there ever. zeroth

mogivite, it sounds like you've got a wired and a wireless connection going, which really isn't a problem. I don't know why you have the issue when you update your router, I'm not familiar with that brand, but when you power down the units, you are effectively rebooting them, which will get your internet connection back, usually.

If you go that route, power down both the router and the modem and then restart them, modem first, and then router. That should give you a connection. Then read the router manual. You may be hitting a save button that reboots the router rather than simply saving the new configuration, who knows?

Otherwise, can I ask why you are continually changing the settings in the router? Once it's set, there really no reason to go back in there ever. zeroth

good point.

im not constantly changing the settings, but i do have to do to more changes at least.

one will be when my girlfriend finally brings her laptop over i will have to add her mac address to the allow list.

and the other will be dependant on my decision to either try and configure all the ports i need for my ps3 or put it in the DMZ zone as a few things are lagging with it.

when i change the settings and reboot the router using the save feature even if i later turn off both the modem and the router then turn them back on again it doesnt work.

i think it may have something to do with lease times but i have to look into it more

If/when you run into this issue again you can try the following:

1) Do a normal shut-down of your computer system.
2) Note state of status lights, if any, on router, once PC is completely powered down then unplug the power cord to your router, preferably from the back of the router; leave off at least one minute.
3) Note state of status lights, if any, on modem once router is completely powered down then unplug the power cord to your cable modem, preferably from the back of the modem; leave off for at least one minute.
4) While waiting remove and re-instert ethernet cable at PC (aside from some laptops you should hear an audible click when plugging an ethernet cable end [RJ-45] into an ethernet port). If you're not *absolutely* positive of your cabling configuration trace this cable from your PC to the router; unless the cabling is color coded I would do this regardless for each cable. Remove and re-insert ethernet cable at router that's connected to PC in question. Remove and re-insert ethernet cable at cable modem running to it from the router.
5) Once at least one minute has passed from unplugging the cable modem power cord reconnect it.
6) Once cable modem reaches previously noted state of status lights with router off then power up router.
7) Once router reaches previously noted state of status lights with PC off then power up PC.
8) Once computer is fully up test internet connection by performing a performing a search on an uncommon term or anything else you're reasonably sure hasn't been searched on recently from the computer - this is to ensure that you're not pulling up a page from cache.
9) If connection still isn't working please post.

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