For sum reason i cant go on my internet after i have my computer on for like 30 mins or so and i have to restart it after that....
Most of my freinds say its a bug that cuases this but i needa no from ppl who no wat this is and how to quarentine it.
Really apreciate it Thanks :D

You haven't given us any useful info .
What OS? What kind of connection? What computer? Any error messages?
There's no "bug" that causes this, but viruses and spyware may be at fault.

idk wat OS is srry.the computer is Gateway.No errors coming up.And im on wireless

Make sure that Windows isn't turning off power to the NIC to conserve power (which is the default setting) if you're on a Windows machine. Look in the Device Manager for the NIC, right-click your wireless card, choose "Properties", and click the "Resources" tab. It should be the top option. Uncheck it, "OK" out of it, and it should be fine.

For sum reason i cant go on my internet after i have my computer on for like 30 mins or so and i have to restart it after that....
Most of my freinds say its a bug that cuases this but i needa no from ppl who no wat this is and how to quarentine it.
Really apreciate it Thanks
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Did you bother to check to see whether or not my suggestion helped at all?

Repeating the same exact thing without supplying any additional information isn't going to get you anywhere.

Also, spell check your post before submitting it so you don't sound like a complete moron.

If you're on dialup, most ISPs use an activity timer: if there's no Internet traffic coming to or going from your machine for, say, 15 minutes, they drop the connection. Something as simple as having your mail-client automatically check for new mail every 5 minutes will keep that connection open, but play fair: if you're not going to be using the connection, drop it and let someone else use that dynamic-IP address.

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