hey guys!

i finally got my very own broadband at home, and was trying to download using azureus (bit torrent). the problem is: when i'm using azureus (ie when azureus is active), i can't surf the internet. any takes on this?


hey guys!

i finally got my very own broadband at home, and was trying to download using azureus (bit torrent). the problem is: when i'm using azureus (ie when azureus is active), i can't surf the internet. any takes on this?


Is that any time it is active(i.e. when it's not downloading anything)? Also, can you utilize any other services requiring network connectivity?

Oh, and any firewall software?

using zone alarm pro turned off windows firewall. can't use mozilla, IE, msn messenger while downloading so i guess most other programs with network connections would fail too... same thing happens when i use limewire, ie same problems as i have running azureus.

Have you tried disabling Zone Alarm? Don't just shut it down by right-click>shutdown, it should have a checkbox on the configuration tab when you double-click on the icon in the systray for load Zone Alarm pro on startup, just remove that reboot and try again..

If this doesn't work, I'm thinking it may be another firewall issue. What kind of modem and router do you have(if you do have one)?

Also, I'm guessing you have WinXP from the win firewall.

yes... winxp firewall has been shut down. no difference when i turned off zonealarm pro as you suggested. i'm not using a router, but a Huawei adsl modem. beginning to be really bugged by this problem... haha... hope it could be solved though. no such problems with all firewalls on at the office. but here it happens at home!

How much stuff are you downloading? What's your connection speed? What bittorrent client are you using?

It sounds like your upload bandwidth might be getting saturated. Try turning down the upload rate of your bittorrent client, like down to 15-20kB/s.

I don't use zonealarm. But I noticed many computers running XP have this problem. Torrents completely screw with everything from browsing to CPU, even though everything appears fine when you look at stats. Explorer says there is something wrong with WinSock and it has me restart the computer to fix this but the problem always returns when I restart the torrent, and on some comps the problem can be temporarily fixed but it will return with or without restarting torrent applications... Anyone know how to fix this, my brother is a comp genius but he's also an ass and he won't tell me how to fix this even tho he knows about this specifically and says there is a way to fix this common / major problem

Example: if you have connection for about 500Kb and you are downloading a torrnet with 400Kb and uploading with 25Kb how can you possibly want to surf on net.It's not zone alarm problem.if you want to download,upload and surf at the same time try to lower the download limit and upload limit of the torrent and my recommendations are to download Utorrent it eazy to use.

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