I am not able to load the yahoo sites (yahoomail, yahoo,yahoo answers etc) and few other sites(eg Microsoft.com).
Please refer to my earlier post :
I had a Beetel 450TC1 router, which finaly gave up yesterday, so I used the modem that my ISP provided, a wire-only router (AN1020-20) and these sites were working. So I got a new router - TP-LINK, TLWR740N, and the issue is back.
I have a desktop, that is connected through wire to the router, a laptop, a tablet and a few handsets that connect wirelessly to the router. None of these devices can browse the yahoo sites.
I can still access the sites through the wired router(AN1020-20) on the desktop and laptop, and can access the sites on the handheld devices through 3G.
I have done all the troubleshooting I could think off....
- I have Changed the DNS to the google public dns, this loads the yahoomail page partially, but after providing the credentials, the page keeps loading.
- Turned off firewall, no success.
- Turned off the UPnP, no success.
Please help.