I'm Thinking of sharing my internet connection with 2 PC's and a laptop. My ADSL modem is currently installed on my PC but I do not want to have my pc switched on while PC2 and/or laptop to use the internet. So I was thinking about buying a wireless router and having my modem connected to that, But the modem is a USB and of the routers I've seen they are all just wireless with the option to use RJ45 cables. Are there any product out there that I can connect my modem too?
Again I will want the wireless router to be located on the first floor of my house for this reason
PC1 is downstairs in the dining room at the back of the house (Wireless)
PC2 is in the loft conversion (Wired or wireless not sure yet)
The laptop has wireless capabilites.
So in short the router will have to be wireless & able to accept RJ45 cables with the ability to cater for my usb modem.
Hope this makes sense.