
Could someone please help me? I have searched through articles for hours and cannot find the answer on my own, so this will be my first post in asking for help. I have a 2wire router that is helping me connect through my Comcast cable line. My husband's laptop (Apple) connects fine. My PC laptop shows I have excellent connection, but I cannot connect to any web pages. Suggestions? Help? Anything...

Thanks, adi_999

U may have to change/lower your browser settings, it could be that simple, however, this is usually a firewall related issue.

Yep....agree with mechbas here!
If your connection has been established, but you cant recieve any web pages through your browser, then something within your own operating system is denying this.
If you are running windows firewall or another third party firewall, try disabling it, and see if you can access web sites then. If successful, you have found your problem. Dont forget that some antivirus software have their own firewall installed also (ie AVG pro) so you will need to check this out, depending on which program you are running.
You could also try rebooting your modem to see if this helps! (switch at the back)
It is then extremely important (from a security point of view) that you also re-enable your firewall after all this, and configure your access permissions within the software to allow future browsing!
Let us know if this helps!

Good Luck :cool:

Hey, I have the exact same problem. I moved and got comcast and it worked for a day or so but then stopped. My wifes laptop works fine, i called comcast and belkin and did trouble shooting with them and they said it is a firewall issue. I have turned my firewall off and i still cannot access , I am at a loss on what to do now.

open this window <start> <run> then type this command


now when you type this in tell me what it says.... ipconfig
hit enter
write down all the numbewrs and tell me what they say and i can help

Maybe a stupid question, but are you using WEP or WPA(2) encryption? and did you use the correct key to connect to the router? Often connectionproblems can occur when you use the wrong network-key.

i have treid all the above but still cant get me a solution.wat do i do next.

Zxor has it right:
Start, Run, CMD, OK to open a command prompt:
(For Vista or 7 type CMD in the Search box after Start)

Type the following command:


[Note that there is no space between the slash and ALL.]

Right click in the command window and choose Select All, then hit Enter. Paste the results here.

the key to after geting into the command prompt will tell you all about your connection
look at the host name if its your computer name on there then you not connected.. if the subnet is then your not connected

I am having the same issue. I am on my laptop now through Sprint wireless, and am sitting next to my desktop that is connected through AT&T's internet service but I cannot get on all of a sudden. I am getting the in ipconfig.

ok here a cool magic trick ...release it by typing in the command prompt this code

ipconfig/release this releases the current connection and will relaese anything else binding it now to restore it show this one ipconfig/renew

this restores the network internet settings also

very familiar. I'm attempting to connect a second computer (in my home office) to a Linksys router, this computer obviously connects fine plugged into whichever port, but the other reports back subnet mask I feel I'm on a road to nowhere, and blind without the necessary glasses of knowlege. Please help me Obi won.

There's too many people piggybacking on this 2 year old thread.
Please stop, and start your own thread if you still have a problem.


Could someone please help me? I have searched through articles for hours and cannot find the answer on my own, so this will be my first post in asking for help. I have a 2wire router that is helping me connect through my Comcast cable line. My husband's laptop (Apple) connects fine. My PC laptop shows I have excellent connection, but I cannot connect to any web pages. Suggestions? Help? Anything...

Thanks, adi_999

Check for firewall in the computer
Tried to do power cycle teh network

You're replying to a post that's 2.5 years old.

Check for firewall in the computer
Tried to do power cycle teh network

clear it by using the ipconfig/release command ...wait for a few minutes then type in the renew command ipconfig/renew
this sbhould clear it ..if not unplug the modem or the usb connection then plug it back in and try to access

After much frustration, I discovered that in the course of reapplying Service Pack 3 and everything else, DHCP became unselected, and this was preventing establishment of a connection.

Go to Connection Properties, select "General" tab, highlight "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)", click Properties, make sure "Obtain an IP address automatically" is selected.

Well I am to some extent satisfied by the probe done by jaymz1972.
Couple of things that you need to do here...

1. Confirm the type of security key that u are using. [WPA/WPA2 or WEP ]
Not all versions of MAC/vista support WPA/WPA2 [ version less than 10.5 do not support this encryption ]
2. Check if the IP address is assigned by DHCP and is not manually assigned
3. If u have MAC and the version is less than 10.5 and your security encryption is WEP make sure you type a $ symbol before your password
These were the common fixes
Now if the issue is still not resolved then do check the following:

4. Check the WAN IP [ IP address directly from the modem ]. It should never start with 192.x.x.x
5. Update your router with the latest firmware. If the firmware is latest do flash it once again
6. Clear preferred networks and try connecting again.
7. Lastly look for firewall or antivirus.

well adi_999 I believe you can definitely fix the problem by the steps mentioned.

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