Hello all,

I am running Window XP Pro and our office was on a small network. We have a shared folder on everyones computer that we share files between. All of a sudden my computer, and only my computer no longer connects to the network. I can connect to the internet with no problems, but no the network and the shared folder. I can see the computer that the shared folder is networked on in "My Network Places" but cannot access it. I have tried everything - resting the modem and router. Restarting computers, renewing IP addresses, firewalls are off. I am at a loss. Any ideas or suggestions would greatly help.

Also, this the error I get when trying to access the shared folder or the computer that the shared folder is networked on:

"\\Kellyann\kellyann © in not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions.
The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help."

Here is the error I get trying to access the shared folder, I obliviously get this because I can't even connect to the network:

"The drive or network connection that the shortcut 'workgroup.lnk' refers to is unavailable. Make sure that the disk is properly inserted or the network resource is available, and the try again."



copy the following reg edit into notepad and then save it as "NetFix.reg"...

;Issue this addresses: when one PC will "see" the other PC(s), but give an "Access Denied" or "Permisssions" error.



;abda abda abda that's all folks!

then just double click it to merge it with your registry.

Hi Spriggan,

Thanks for your reply! I copied and pasted



into a text doc and save it as NetFix.reg. Then doubled clicked it and received the following error:

"The specified file is not registry script. You can only import binary files within the registry editor."

I am not sure what that means, maybe the script you gave me is missing something? Any ideas?

sorry, put this at the top "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"

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