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About Me

Started development at age 7 on my C64... Lived in the Amiga-world for a while, but for professional purposes migrated to my first 086Mhz AT... Stayed in the PC maintenance world for a while before i took up development again (C, C++, VB, VB.NET, PHP).…

networking, gaming, hiphop DJ, basketball
PC Specs
Intel Pentium D 830 3.0 GHz 2 x 1MB L2 Cache 800 MHz FSB
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2 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for samaru
Member Avatar for TinglyCourier

Did you actually plug in the SB Live? If yes, it's possible that your mainboard has autmatically disabled your internal sound-device on your BIOS... Worth the try to check....

Member Avatar for PhoenixHope

The End.