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10 Posted Topics
Re: i used do until loop dim rsStockChk as new adodb.recordset set rsStockChk = new adodb.recordset rsStockChk.open "stocks", gobjconn, adopendynamic, adlockpessimistic do untill rsStockChk.eof = true dim listobj as listitem set listobj = listview1.listitem.add(, , rsStockChk!item_code) listobj.subitems(1) = rsStockChk!Qty listobj.subitems(2) = rsStockChk!Discription rsStockChk.movenext loop adjust the code accourding to your need | |
HI everyone i am trying to write POS and Inventory for myself in vb6. I am stuck and gone blank what to do. here is what i want to do. search database for the stocks. change the caption of the button ( eg caption of the botton is "COKE 250ml" … | |
hi there everyone this sounds sily but i am trying to make a calendar which will show attendance on the calander what i want is to stop on the todays date txtbox txtboxes are arreys so the name is txtDay(0), txtDay(1), txtDay(2)........... txtDay(41) Dim strDate As String Dim strStartDate As … | |
Hi there Everyone I am writting a program POS in which i have employees database. they get a code or we can say employee ID numbers. 100001 100002 100003 now i want to keep the recourd attached with picture ID as well file names will be 100001.jpg 100002.jpg 100003.jpg as … | |
Re: or what you can do is use a timmer in Hidden Form when ever you lose focus of that hidden form the timmer becomes activated and then you can get back your focus on the hidden form and then you can use your key or combination of keys to unhide … | |
Re: Dim responce As Integer responce = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to Logout?", vbYesNo, "Confirmation") If reply = vbYes Then Unload Me frmAuthentication.Show else exit sub End If | |
Re: Dim gobjConn As ADODB.Connection Set gobjConn = New ADODB.Connection gobjConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & GetAppPath _ & "path and filename.mdb" Dim rAdd As ADODB.Recordset Set rAdd = New ADODB.Recordset rAdd.Open "inventory", gobjConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic now this is how you connect when connected you search the item which … | |
I am trying to write program in vb6.0, in which i am using ms access database. i want to search in a table called "customer". the Field is called "Name". in the feild i have saved full name e.g Asmat Ullah Khan, Asmat Khan, Asmat Ullah. now what i want … | |
Re: you can write a code in the lostfocus of that textbox to search that number which you entered in the database if found it give you message box telling you that the number or ID already exist and the textbox.setfocus to take you back to the same box. | |
Re: i use my own auto number by this method first of all load the last entery then adding 1 in that entery eg Dim DBConn As ADODB.Connection Set DBConn = New ADODB.Connection DBConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" _ & "Data Source=" _ & GetAppPath _ & "anyname.mdb" Dim rSearch As ADODB.Recordset Set rSearch … |
The End.