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26 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for jcisml

Try taking out the extra "," at the last element of your $working_time array [code] 7=>array(11,12,13,14,21,22,23,0,1), <-- [/code]

Member Avatar for malusman
Member Avatar for tomhughes

Hi Tom, its me again. It seems that you over fetched your query result. You can modifying this part of your code [code] $result = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $myrow = @mysql_fetch_array($result); [/code] to this: [code] if (mysql_num_rows($sql) > 0) $myrow = @mysql_fetch_array($sql); [/code] The reason you were getting an empty result is …

Member Avatar for elderp
Member Avatar for MeeraKotecha

Can you give us a screenshot of how they look like after you have included it in you PHP? and if possible a snippet of the code where you inserted the sidebar and headers.

Member Avatar for MeeraKotecha
Member Avatar for Ashjenius

[quote=Ashjenius;320790]Non of this has helped i still have the same problem and on top of that it doesn't send to the gesignated email address. Regards Ashjenius[/quote] There's an error in one line: [code]$msg = "Email address of sender[COLOR=red]: [/COLOR]stripslashes($_POST['Email'])[COLOR=red]"[/COLOR];[/code] keep in mind that using when using functions together with strings …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for wavyaquaeyes
Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for tech291083

From what I know, I don't think that php will work without a browser. But, you can use it to build a desktop-type applications just that your interface with the system is via browsers and that you need to setup the host locally. Besides, why not use c/c++ if you're …

Member Avatar for tech291083
Member Avatar for joezyz

Hi joe, There isn't any problem at all because PHP really outputs series of spaces as just one. I suggest that you either configure the script that inserts the records in the database to automatically converts series of spaces to just one or explode your string to an array such …

Member Avatar for joezyz
Member Avatar for gagowen

Hi, can you post a screenshot of what happens when you click on one of the links that don't work? so we could have a better understanding of what could be the problem.

Member Avatar for gagowen
Member Avatar for jcisml

Maybe your problem is not with that script but with replaceObjEmbed.php. Try checking it, maybe that's where the problem is.

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for bhoom205

PHP already has a built in function that randomizes a number given the minimum and the maximum. [code]$random = rand(6, 49);[/code] Here's the link to the manual that describes the function in case you encounter problems [URL][/URL]

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for tomhughes

Try changing your query to: [code]$sql = "DELETE FROM test4 WHERE id={$_GET['id']}"; [/code] Let me know if it works

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for muralidhar6972

You can use sessions to store the ids of the checked items. The PHP manual has samples so it shouldn't be too hard for you to implement it on your script. But if you have trouble, just let me know and I'll give you a sample code. I just can't …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for ¤| battousai |¤

Here is a function that you could try, It's specifically made to retrieve the start and end of the 2nd week of May given the year passed. If you need it to retrieve from another month I think you will be able to do it yourself. [code] function Get2ndWeek($year) { …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for blackpheonix

You used the variables but never assigned any value to them before you used them. Are they supposed to get their values from a previous form? If so, you have to assign it to them before you use them.

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for jaikar

[quote=jaikar;315774]PHPFreaks is more better... i got immediate responce for this thread...... :(.... daniweb Looks good ... but ... not THAT active :([/quote] *Off Topic* It doesn't mean that if you get no response, means people aren't active. You're not the only one that needs help and have you considered maybe …

Member Avatar for yakoo
Member Avatar for nina26

Can u post the code wherein you actually merged the two so we could get a clear picture of how you inserted the captcha code into your comment.php script. It's hard to see where you might have gone wrong if we can't see the actual code.

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for EnderX

You might wanna check the libraries compiled with your PHP. You get that error because the library that's supposed to implement that function is not compiled with your PHP.

Member Avatar for EnderX
Member Avatar for DarrenC

I have encountered this before and you might wanna research on "Magic Quotes" in the php manual. I don't know exactly what to tell you to do, but if you could give an example of your code that outputs the string it would be much better.

Member Avatar for DarrenC
Member Avatar for crestaldin

Or if you just copy pasted azarudeen's code and didn't put in the page value for the action property in the form tag, you'll definitely get a blank page ^^

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for melefire

You can access the text as how Gary used it in his example. Its basically like accessing a variable you have declared only you got from the previous page. [code]print $_GET['dlurl'];[/code] Is this what u were looking for? or if you want it to appear as a link on your …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for mindfrost82

Here's an example of how to open new windows with javascript that i got from w3schools: [URL][/URL]

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for jaikar

Actually $verbose is just used as a flag once you call the function. Its set to false by default, meaning while copying the files it won't printout anything as files are being copied. However, if you supply a true value once you called this function like [code] dircopy($src, $dest, true); …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for slacke

I haven't used session_register yet but I have done a login/logout feature and I only used "session_start();" and stored the variables in the $_SESSION variable. In your case it would be: [code] [COLOR=#0000bb]<?php[/COLOR] [COLOR=#007700]include([/COLOR][COLOR=#dd0000]"conf/conf.php"[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]);[/COLOR] [COLOR=#007700]session_start();[/COLOR] [COLOR=#007700]if([/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]$pw[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]=[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]file[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]([/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]$PWD_FILE[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700])) [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]$authenticated [/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]= [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]0[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]; [/COLOR] [COLOR=#007700][/COLOR] [COLOR=#007700] [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]$_SESSION[[/COLOR][COLOR=#dd0000]"AUTH_NAME"] = /*value of name*/ ;[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700] [/COLOR][COLOR=#007700] for([/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]$i[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]=[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000bb]0[/COLOR][COLOR=#007700]; …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for jblacdao

I've been testing on uploading files and I encountered a weird bug while testing it out because on the initial uploading of the file, my localhost uploads it to the root directory of my xampp rather than in the directory inside my htdocs folder. To make things clear here's what …

Member Avatar for vssp
Member Avatar for sandeep0708

[quote=MattEvans;300722]if you want the parent window to close when a new page opens, why not just open the new page in the same window?? O_o[/quote] I agree with Matt, why would you go all that trouble just for the logout. If you're worried about the back button on the browser, …

Member Avatar for jblacdao
Member Avatar for bturner

[quote=jswindell;220589]Excellent thanks for the quick response! After I posted my question I sort of stumbled ("Googled" ) on that method by accident. Is there something I can read that is a good primer on the DOM model? [/quote] A good source of documentation would be at [URL=""][/URL]. They have a …

Member Avatar for jblacdao

The End.