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I'm too lazy to type them out here
PC Specs
Refurbished DELL Optiplex 520, i've installed several upgrades to it including, 3GB RAM, 500G HD, a…

23 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for cbusen

i have a usb x-fi soundblaster, it was awesome, caused new vegas to crash so i took it out, and lost a great software for taking advantage of an awesome 5.1 sur sound...but someone proposed that i should look for a generic driver or software to run the creative labs …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for sanbond
Member Avatar for cbusen

I'll prob post this thread in a couple places because of all the things it is and what its capable of...anything for help right? anyhow, here is my problem. I finally got Fallout: New Vegas, works fine but not for long, as soon as i go to start a game, …

Member Avatar for stbuchok
Member Avatar for cbusen

I'll prob post this thread in a couple places because of all the things it is and what its capable of...anything for help right? anyhow, here is my problem. I finally got Fallout: New Vegas, works fine but not for long, as soon as i go to start a game, …

Member Avatar for cbusen

i've got win xp 64bit and i've had no troubles but recently the activex that runs when you go to the ms update site disappeared. it used to work or be there. how could this have happened? and how can i fix it? i'm not sure if this is related …

Member Avatar for cbusen

in the BIOS setup, given this: i have 8gb ram, asus p5qe, 500gb hd, 3.0 pentium dual core, do i leave the memory hole enabled and the remapping on? or are there advantages to changing any of that?

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for cbusen

i've got 4x2GB Kingston 800MHz mems, and i'd like to kick them up a notch from what they're currently running at, 1066 possible? CUPID says they're running at the following: DRAM 400mhz, command rate 2T, fsb:ram 5:6, with the timing at 6,6,6,18, 52 for latencies and delays. i'm using an …

Member Avatar for cbusen
Member Avatar for cbusen

i have win xp 64bit edition and i'm trying to flush the dns manually and i'm getting the error message: Windows IP configuration Could not flush the flush the dns revolver cache : Function failed during execution. does anyone know what this could be from or how to fix it? …

Member Avatar for cbusen

just so i could use all the RAM i bought i upgraded to win xp 64bit about six months ago and i haven't used IE 64 bit or tried to until about two weeks ago? whats the difference between the two and is it worth them writing code for it? …

Member Avatar for Adamsappleone
Member Avatar for cbusen

I've been getting update errors now for a while and i can't seem to fix it with my copy of the software. Every time I go to the page to scan for updates, I click on it and it comes back with this message: Windows Update has encountered an error …

Member Avatar for cbusen
Member Avatar for cbusen

i'm hoping there is someone out there with win xp 64 BIT VERSION who had to overcome some problems to get iTUNES on their compter. two things to note. i downloaded it and it told me it needs a 64 bit version of win xp. that's what i'm on, but …

Member Avatar for cbusen
Member Avatar for altf2junkie

when i was experimenting with the last computer i had, some combinations of RAM chips adding to 4MB or more slowed the windows xp. have you checked in your settings the size of your paging file? or the virtual memories settings and that you hadnt some of the other option …

Member Avatar for kaninelupus
Member Avatar for cbusen

i'm going to overclock my Intel Core Duo 3.0, apparently you can get it to 3.6 without breaking a sweat. i already have five fans running and its well ventilated but i need some settings for the BIOS, the motherboard is a ASUS P5Q-E, i'm running windows XP Pro, SP3, …

Member Avatar for cbusen
Member Avatar for cbusen

i just got a new top of the line asus motherboad, okay not top of the line but pretty close, anyhow, i still have win xp pro, and the asus instructions said that 3MB or less was optimal RAM size. DAMN!!! I have 4 slots for dual channel memory and …

Member Avatar for UndiFineD
Member Avatar for cbusen

what's the trick to making sure you utilize all your RAM and your L2 cache, are there settings or parameters i need to set to allow for that?

Member Avatar for cbusen
Member Avatar for cbusen

are the processors in my USB network adapter card useful at all? do they help out the CPU in any way or not really?

Member Avatar for cbusen
Member Avatar for cbusen

I'm formatting and setting up the partitions in a 500GB harddrive. Its not really going to be partitioned but I believe I need to leave a certain amount for the logical part of the harddrive? what sizes are best to use in this case? i'll be running windows xp pro …

Member Avatar for barryt
Member Avatar for cbusen

two files with names like these won't let me delete them, how can i go about doing it? ЃϵϳЅЂϿϽϯІχϯπρЂϻϵЉЃϵϳЅ they were left behind in a file i used for backing up stuff

Member Avatar for barryt
Member Avatar for cbusen

okay, so my new motherboard has 4 slots. I have both 2GB and 1GB chips, 3 2GB and 1GB to use up. Will it matter which slots they go in? Actually, I believe I'm looking at dual channel, two slots. Given that, Can I leave one channel empty and have …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for cbusen

can someone just give me a quick overview on the defragmenting freespace? in defraggler there is an option to leave fragmentation in free space? what does that mean, the fragmented files you leave behind will just be written over

Member Avatar for cbusen
Member Avatar for TheBeast32

I had no idea they called this glorified vasoline thermal compound....hmmm, i wonder if it a C5 or C6, anyway..i thought here or in another post i picked up that the thermal compounds couold have serious differences, brand to brand, in their ablity to conduct heat. Are there any brands …

Member Avatar for cbusen
Member Avatar for herms14

I'm having a bear of a time installing that card in my PCI slot. If i've read everything correctly, i need to uninstall everything existing, video drivers, video adapters, and all the related items and so on...and then install all the software. is that correct? keeping in mind i have …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for cbusen

I'm having a bear of a time installing the Sparkle graphics 9400gt pci in my PCI slot, i have no pcie slot( :( bigtime ). If i've read everything correctly, i need to uninstall everything existing, video drivers, video adapters, and all the related items and so on...and then install …


The End.