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7 Posted Topics
Re: What is the Josephus problem? | |
Re: I know not what they do. I know what I could do. First, the 60Hz refresh rate is the CARD OUTPUT - the device has its own memory. The data transmitted over the USB is stored in this memory. This is what every video card does, since the days of … | |
Re: First, line 10 uses EDI for a, in line 14 EDI is b. Overwriting the command in line 10. I would have written [CODE] begin procedure near mov ESI, offset X ; or LEA ESI, X mov EDI, offset Y ; or LEA EBX, Y mov EBX, offset a mov … | |
Re: What is this assembler? 'store', without 'where to store': do you have a SINGLE storage place? Or perhaps you have a LIFO storage : Use 'PUSH' to store, 'POP' to read, in most assembly languages. Or did you mean a 4-bit processor language? | |
Re: UN-protected segments are 64KB big - in 16-bit, like in DOS operating system. Protected mode segments, 32-bits x86 processor, are up to 2^31 Bytes long. Protected-mode segments, 64-bit processor (e.g. a modern Pentium under Windows 7 64-bit) could be 2^62 Bytes or about. | |
I need to synchronize "Real-World" with a Window process. That is, the Windows operates a camera and shoot an image every xx milli-seconds, using a very accurate timer. In order to synchronise those images with the outside world, I want to time-stamp when some trigger happens and causes an interrupt. … | |
Help! I need to write some code for SIMD, 64-bit Intel X86. I am fluent with Masm; Where can I get a Masm version for 64-bit, and some documentation as to the changes in registers, changes in instructions set, etc? Anybody here has some experience with AVX ? any usefule … |
The End.