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124 Posted Topics
Hi friends Is it posssible to create an email account in the cpanel without manualy logging in ? I want to create a php script which logs into the cpanel and create an email account . I hope i would get a solution form u guys Thanks | |
hai friends I want mail server setting in my php appliacation no need to change the php ini file I got some sample code like this $mail_ini=ini_set(SMTP,"mail.ebscon.com"); $mail_ini=ini_set(smtp_port,25); This code working on only Windows machine only. But I am using linux machine Any option without change the phpini file to … | |
Re: IT s VERY helpful for me | |
hi friends I have run the one php script live server([URL="http://www.live.com/samplee.php"]www.live.com/samplee.php[/URL]) . this file access the staging server and run the staging server php file and display the result. But I need the live server address server name also display in the staging serevr php page result page. How can … | |
Re: hi Could you please expline brifely | |
hai friends I need to count the files with in the selected folder. How to count the files ?? please help me. If any paossibel ple4ase send me sample code. Thanks vssp | |
Hai Friends While running my application i got this error. How to solve thsi error. Plesae send me any idea. PHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mixpublic_html/includes/common.php:244) in /home/mix/public_html/MiX/program/include/main.inc on line 673 Thanks Vssp | |
hai friends I have uploaded the video file to server .we need to get the total time of playing file duration and store the values to database. how can i get the total time for uploaded video file? Please any one send me any idea. Thanks __________________ Thanks Vssp | |
Re: 6 fields in your table but u inert only 5 values char must be single quote | |
Re: Yes w3school is the best one for beginners | |
| |
Re: W3schools is best for bignner | |
Hai fiends I want to disable the righ click option in my web application. How to hide the right click option usong php? Please send me any idea. Thanks Prabu __________________ Thanks Vssp | |
Re: Easy php, xammp also very easy to insall the php | |
Hai friends I need one clarification for cookies . How to distroy the cookies using php . Please help me Thanks vssp | |
hai friends How to paly song when page laod using php code? I my php application when i load the home page automatically pale song Its possible !! ??Please give me any idea Thanks vssp | |
Hi Friends In my mysql table , we stored the rtf file this type , we need to change this real word file .Please advise [code] {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}} {\*\generator Riched20;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sl360\slmult1\b\f0\fs48 We Have Moved!\fs32 \par \par \ul\fs36 Our New Address:\ulnone\fs32 \par 124 Greenfield Ave. \par … | |
Hi I am trying to open the explorer window using php code .But i got the security issue .Please help me how to solve the issue. [code]<a href="file:///opt" target="_blank">adas</a>[/code] I got this error message Please help me how to fix the issue Security Error: Content at [url]http://localhost/test.php[/url] may not load … | |
Hi Friends I am working on symfony project. This is new frame work for me. So Please clarify my doubt. This is looklike community site. user able to create own sub domine. Public site have one login page ex([url]www.sample.com[/url]) individual user have one login page ex ([url]www.vssp.sample.com)[/url]. How to seprate … | |
hi friends I need the query , I have stored the ids like this 4,10,12,13,14 in one filed. I need to search the id 4 avaliable in the one filed , how to search the number one single filed? Please advise | |
Hi I am working on save the outlook mails to linux mysql database. is it possible? then i need to open the mail using php ? is it possible ? Please advise | |
Hi Friends I am working to draw a graph . I need to get the data monthly, for example JAN total hours FEB total hours , How to write the query get the total values per month? Advance thanks for your reply. | |
Re: try this [code] echo $r="select * from course where course=$course; [/code] | |
Re: use error_reporting =0 for each page or set ini file | |
Re: [QUOTE=jbennet;413086]Its not possible[/QUOTE] Why its not possibe.Please clarify I need the same functionlity | |
hi I am using windows machine. I am using outlook to download the mails. I want to store the mails to remote linux server .is it possible Please advice | |
Re: When click the id pass the value url sort=id and change the query dynamically | |
The End.