I have a final project coming up....I have been thinking of ideas about e-learning with voip, a house security system with electric power monitor, and an inventory and sales system with travel logs through sms.
Is it possible to create those proposals into reality?
Thanks for the advice.

My apologies to this thread if I have put it in a wrong forum...

Sure, for someone with the right skills.

But that doesn't tell us anything about whether YOU can do them or not.

Thanks for the reply....I have s little background about electrical circuits. I also know a few pl's...java, c++, and vb6. The only thing I'm not fully introduced to is voip. I made some study about it. But I can't catch up yet. Well thanks anyways for the reply.

Is it possible to create those? With the pl's that I know.

If I say 'yes', will you go for it?
If you then fail, will you blame me?

Your question (like all the "please suggest a project" posts on this forum) is essentially unanswerable.

The sheer inadequacy of the way people summarise the last 3 years of their education baffles. The lack of ... (aww forget it, I've got other things to do)

It's like walking into a shoe store, and you're asking us for advice on what's the best thing to have for running a marathon. Sure, we can describe in nauseating detail everything about running shoes, but some people will STILL manage to walk out the store with a pair of stiletto heeled shoes.

commented: You're right, it's a waste of time +19

My vote goes to
"a house security system with electric power monitor" .
Make it so that it gives intruder electric shock to keep him away.

I am asking for advice as to which of those three is more feasible and not too complicated too create. Thanks for the reply.

My vote goes to
"a house security system with electric power monitor" .
Make it so that it gives intruder electric shock to keep him away.

Not that type of idea. I'm thinking of a home automation type of security. But limited to electricity monitoring. My friends also told me that this system is out of my course. It's more of an electronic kind of stuff. Thanks anyways.

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