Hello! I am having a hard time with pseudo-code and I have come up with what is below for this question: Input a list of employee names and salaries, and determine the mean (average) salary as well as the number of salaries above and below the mean.
Do you see any areas of improvement or where I can better understand the concept? All help is very much appreciated!!!
1. Display “Salary Average” as program title
2. Prompt user for employee names
3. Prompt user for employee salary
4. Convert average salary
5. Count salaries above average salary
6. Count salaries below average salary
7. Post final results
EmpName (string:EmpName)
EmpSalary (integer:EmpSalary)
Main Module
Call EmpName Module
Select Case
Case Done = No
Display “Please Enter Employee Name”
DIM Employee Name as EmpName
If EmpName is “” Then
Display “Please Re-Enter Employee Name”
Call EmpSalary Module
Display “Please enter “EmpName”’s Salary”
If EmpSalary < 0 Then
Display “Please Re-Enter “EmpName”’s Salary”
Case Done = Yes
Call Average Salary Module
Call Salaries Above Module
Call Salaries Below Module
Display “Thank You!!!”
End Main Module
EmpName Module
Display “Please enter employee name”
Input Employee Name
End EmpName Module
EmpSalary Module
Display “Please Enter EmpName’s Salary”
Input EmpSalary
End EmpSalary Module
Average Salary Module
Sum EmpSalary
DIM EmpName = 1
Count EmpName
Average Salary = Sum EmpSalary/Sum EmpName
End Average Salary Module
Salaries Above Module
If Salary > Average Salary Then Count
End Salaries Above Module
Salaries Below Module
If Salary < Average Salary Then Count
End Salaries Below Module