Hello All,
I have a doubt...
basically I worte my first interpreter in C (A very simple one though... )
I will take a input file and will pass as command line arguements to my interpreter . This file will convert the input file to standard C file and will store in .C extension.
Now how do I call a C compiler insider my function itself, so that this generated C file will be compiled and executed at once.
I create a text file test.txr as follows
Hello PRINTA ......
Hello GETTA .....
I pass this file as a command line...
conv text.txr (In command line)
This conv.C takes this file as input and convert PRINTA as printf and GETTA as scanf etc . (As you know..... simple pre processor).
So as the end, text.C will be generated.... All was fine till here.
Now I wanna compile this text.C and execute inside this conv.C itself.
Do you get my objective...............???????????/
Is this possible??????????
Waiting for your help guys......... I;m doing it for one charity process. I want this to happen ASAP.