What programming language do you usually use? Why?

The answer to your question should always be "Whatever language is best suited to the task at hand." Try not to limit yourself to a single preferred language, instead try to understand that each language has pros and cons and thus are better suited to perform certain tasks than others.

I used INTERCAL because it's the most flexible general-use business language.

I use english, because it the most common in america.

I use english, because it the most common in america.

In my experience bureaucratese and legalese work far better for programming than does English.

In my experience bureaucratese and legalese work far better for programming than does English.

Maybe so, but this certainly gives it a run.

got to love the obscenity filter even filtering URLs :)

I used to programming in ASP.net with C#, It is really very easy interface for developing websites.
I had done two websites through using this platform. For using this programming language your basic C and C++ must be very clear.
It is very easy to do coding with it because of it's syntax.

Hello,I used to programming in ASP.net.it's the most flexible general-use business language.

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