just an idea ...im not a programmer yet starting college aug. c++ and java both have complex syntax and i cant learn on my own, python is good but not supported aswell and basic is really basic any more thanks to object oriented stuff
English the programming and scripting language
files are organized as books
-table of contents - quick access to chapters (organizational purpose)
-intruduction - contains licenses,code developers and other non esential data
-chapters - contains different aspects of the program physics,3d,sound,input etc.
-paragraphs - block of code
-sentences - contain specific code
-bibliography - linked libraries and code from other sources
-thesaurus/dictionary - contains all variables and definitions
hello world
print "hello world"
message = "hello world"
print message
print text hello world.
message is hello world.
print message.
will play sound if the mouse clicks on button
| line 34 | load image button.bmp and sound ping.wav // or load images button1.bmp, button1.bmp and sound ping.wav etc. //. Draw the image button.bmp to coordinates 320 and 240. If the mouse left click
| line 35 | on button1.bmp //or button1 is button.bmp// then play sound ping.wav //or ping is ping.wav//.
creates calculator
//note variables will be in thesaurus//
input 1 is null
input 2 is null
current display is null
operation is null
output is null
chapter 1 : calculator
The program name is English calculator, it has a window size of 320 by 240, it cannot be resized, it is refreshed at 30 fps.
Make and draw box called display, it is 128 px wide by/and 32 px tall, it is colored gray //or it has the rgb value of 255 by 128 by 64 //, it is at coordinates 10 by 10 . Print input 1 to coordinates 11 by 11, always update it. Make and print text 1, it is at coordinates 20 and 20, it has a size of 14. Make and print text 2, it is at coordinates 30 and 20, it has a size of 14. Make and print text 3, it is at coordinates 40 and 20, it has a size of 14. Make and print text 4, it is at coordinates 20 and 30, it has a size of 14. Make and print text 5, it is at coordinates 30 and 30, it has a size of 14. Make and print text 6, it is at coordinates 40 and 30, it has a size of 14. Make and print text 7, it is at coordinates 20 and 40, it has a size of 14. Make and print text 8, it is at coordinates 30 and 40, it has a size of 14. Make and print text 9, it is at coordinates 40 and 40, it has a size of 14. Make and print text 0, it is at coordinates 30 and 50, it has a size of 14. Make and print symbol x, it is at coordinates 50 and 20, it has a size of 14. Make and print symbol +, it is at coordinates 50 and 30, it has a size of 14. Make and print symbol /, it is at coordinates 50 and 40, it has a size of 14. Make and print symbol -, it is at coordinates 50 and 50, it has a size of 14. Make and print symbol = , it is at coordinates 50 and 60, it has a size of 14.
current display is input 1, it is always input 1 after reset. if mouse left click on text 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 0 then add place values into current input. Assign addition operation to |line 12| symbol +. Assign subtraction operation to symbol - . Assign multiplication operation to symbol x. Assign division operation to symbol /. if input 1 has values and if mouse click on symbol + or - or x |line 13| or / swap input 1 with input 2 in current display. If mouse left click on symbol = then add values fo input 1 and input 2 and store value in output and swap input 2 with output in current display. if mouse any click reset program