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80 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for rupali
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

[quote] "D is a systems programming language. Its focus is on combining the power and high performance of C and C++ with the programmer productivity of modern languages like Ruby and Python. [/quote] Danger Will Robinson! Danger! Danger! (Then again, PL/I worked out alright.)

Member Avatar for The Old Man
Member Avatar for Dani

Well, pseudocode is just any arbitrary description of a computational procedure not meant for interpretation by a computing machine in its initial form. I agree with a previous poster that there aren't rules of pseudocode, except what an instructor or you impose. Always - whether doing pseudocode or real code …

Member Avatar for arielsandara.mije
Member Avatar for amerikanja

^ They probably just emailed hotmail with a friendly request to reset the password to what it was previously.

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for lightningfire

Well, a couple of things. First off, you're never allocating any room for the string a. You're just declaring a pointer for it; when the user enters data, it has nowhere to go. You probably want to do something like [code] char a[32]; [/code] Or something. Second, you are using …

Member Avatar for sftranna
Member Avatar for ithelp

Again, call me a sceptic but it's hard to believe in this kind of stuff. It is a little too reminiscent of the luminiferous aether theory for my comfort, despite the various "smoking guns" for its existence. While there certainly seem to be some predictions that are confirmed, let us …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for newsguy
Member Avatar for sneekula

Well, unless there are human beings living on some other planet. Star wars, anyone?

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for ritesh2190

Simple. Just have a precondition that the algorithm be specified in correct C code.

Member Avatar for Anuradha Mandal
Member Avatar for choitee

Design a programming language to compute functions which are not Turing computable. Send me a copy first before you tell anybody else, and I'll check it. Alternatively, prove that P=NP or P=/=NP and send me a copy of the proof before you tell anybody else. I'll check it first, and …

Member Avatar for prowexx
Member Avatar for indianscorpion2

I would recommend looking for free ebooks online. For instance, go to Google and search for PDFs with keywords "algorithm" and "introduction". Here, I'll do it for you. Here we go, try this on for size.

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for radioman28
Member Avatar for zandiago

Some of the arguments in this thread are just plain ridiculous. PCSAWICK829: How much are you selling your TV for? I guarantee I *could* come into your house and take it for free, if I feel you're overcharging me. That seems pretty black-and-white to me.

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for PCBrown

^ Sorry, call me a callous bastard, but if you can't scrape together $30 US, you should probably not be playing video games. If these people are genuinely financially secure in their home country, let them buy games made over there for $1 US or whatever. Russia, China, etc. have …

Member Avatar for Potence
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe
Member Avatar for teja_dt

[quote] Bush hid the facts [/quote] Try it with "Wron gfo rum dudes" and I hypothesize you'll witness the same behavior.

Member Avatar for Sriman_Laxmi
Member Avatar for babug

Thread necromancy? Man this was a fun read though. I sympathize with cwarn, though... I tend to believe that "irrational" numbers in general have a weaker correspondence to "reality" - or physical reality, or God's reality, or whatever - than do, say, the integers and the rational numbers. Not in …

Member Avatar for Sriman_Laxmi
Member Avatar for hazar

Take the public-key scheme RSA for example. Take two primes, p and q. Let n = pq be public. Compute K = phi(pq) = (p-1)(q-1). Choose 1 < e < K so that gcd(e, K) = 1. Then compute d = e^inv (mod K). e is the public key, and …

Member Avatar for hazar
Member Avatar for progcomputeach

I have learned and done work (including academic work, as a disclaimer) in assembler, C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Basic (several flavors), Scheme, Python, Perl, PHP, Smalltalk, Ada, Pascal, Fortran90, and Prolog, and probably a few others I'm forgetting. Plus if you count SQL (MySQL) and/or HTML, those too. And …

Member Avatar for nicolajoseph1
Member Avatar for happygeek

Jeez I'm a conservative and that just makes me cringe. Why are conservatives so dumb? Am I that dumb? I'm going to go cry now.

Member Avatar for ing
Member Avatar for Ndoom

^ Is it kosher to solicit members for a different forum on Daniweb? I am simply curious; I am tempted to report this thread in good faith. Additionally, what precisely does this have to do with "computer science"? I do not necessarily mean to question the value of this line …

Member Avatar for popin
Member Avatar for EricMack

^ Well, I agree that this is a bogus money grab, but they're not taxing the Internet but vendors who sell things online. Honestly it's not so crazy an idea to tax sales by a company made using the internet... ah well. I hope it doesn't happen, but if it …

Member Avatar for EricMack
Member Avatar for mess110

[quote] (if this is not the right place to post this please tell me) [/quote] I don't know, it doesn't seem like the right place to post. Maybe it's just me. Seems more like an advertisement, or a post about software, or something cool for people to check out and …

Member Avatar for mess110
Member Avatar for gunbuster363

Perhaps what you could invent is a software system to check documents for spelling and grammar. You could use a book of words to look up tokens and find near-hits, and you could use some basic grammar rules to try to parse simple grammatical errors. You could make it so …

Member Avatar for ezestseo
Member Avatar for Jayavardhan

Call me paranoid, but I hypothesize that at least two of these accounts are owned by the same individual.

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for janskey15
Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for EricMack

Classic. Silly FBI. I wonder whether some silly willy will lose his/her job over this.

Member Avatar for Biker920
Member Avatar for AuburnMathTutor

I have noticed a few questions popping up from time to time on the subject of formal languages in general, and on regular languages in particular. As I'm pretty bored and enjoy the study of formal languages to a reasonable extent, I thought I might try to give a quick-and-dirty …

Member Avatar for AuburnMathTutor
Member Avatar for teja_dt

Hey if you go to Notepad, type in "Stop posting this stuff in the CS forum" and read it 100 times, you will be amazed by the results! This is really super special cool one!

Member Avatar for AuburnMathTutor
Member Avatar for daviddoria

Just write your own code, using a stack like it's meant to be used. You have your search stack. Empty it into a temp stack until you find what you want or hit the end. Then take your temp stack contents and empty into the search stack. Voila! O(n) search …

Member Avatar for AuburnMathTutor

The End.