
Recently i hava a problem to rename a folder. That is i'm able to rename anything to a folder. But i'm unable to rename as CON to any folder. Is it windows bug or anything else?

Hima_bindu commented: It's Really nice one... +0
AuburnMathTutor commented: Wrong forum + who cares. +0
pavan_teja commented: Interesting finding... +0
peter_budo commented: Posting total rubish, creating multiple accounts to boost reputation. So lame -3

Yeah. It's really very surprised to me. Till now, i didn't know this one.

commented: .. +0

<<keep it legal>>

commented: yes +0

Call me paranoid, but I hypothesize that at least two of these accounts are owned by the same individual.

Call me paranoid, but I hypothesize that at least two of these accounts are owned by the same individual.

How can you conclude like that.

I dont think any body need two accounts

There seems to be a lot of mutual up-modding in these otherwise mundane threads. I agree that mature, real people don't need several accounts, but a kid unhappy with his reputation may think otherwise.

Everybody realizes that these threads should be in the "Hardware & Software -> Microsoft Windows -> Windows tips 'n tweaks" forum, correct? Not much imagination involved there.

Maybe I'm just unimaginative.

commented: .. +0

Excuse me..

Stop talking like that..

Who said i have several accounts man...

Stop acting stupid... Be mature enough and not hurt others and on top of it, even if some one has its none of your business..

So stop this..

There seems to be a lot of mutual up-modding in these otherwise mundane threads. I agree that mature, real people don't need several accounts, but a kid unhappy with his reputation may think otherwise.

Everybody realizes that these threads should be in the "Hardware & Software -> Microsoft Windows -> Windows tips 'n tweaks" forum, correct? Not much imagination involved there.

Maybe I'm just unimaginative.

Nobody needs two accounts just for the sake of reputation..

Reputation is not something begged, it has to be hard earned...

Remember not to talk like this...

commented: .. +0
commented: Calm down +0

Sorry if I offended you, but that's how I feel about it. This thread doesn't belong here and I'll keep down-modding posts accordingly. I'd tell you to take away from my reputation if you disagree, but with 7 rep points you haven't earned that privilege. I, by the grace of God, have 35 rep points to my name and can take away one at a time from people I feel aren't making genuine contributions to the forums.

>> Nobody needs two accounts just for the sake of reputation..

It's funny however that Jayavardhan, KiranKumar86446, teja_dt and pavan_teja all use the same internetconnection. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're 4 different persons using 1 internetconnection instead of 1 person using 4 accounts. Don't give me a reason to think otherwise and ban you all..


commented: .. +0
commented: May be all of them are friends working at same place +0
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