Hello Everyone,
I just have few questions about the the job of web developer and I hope that I selected the right place

1- what is the difference between web developer and web coder ?
2- should a web developer study computer science deeply , before starting a career & why?
3- what distinguish a web developer from another rather than having wide set of programming languages ?
4- how can a web developer starts his career fast and in the right way?

Thanks ALL :)

1- what is the difference between web developer and web coder ?


2- should a web developer study computer science deeply , before starting a career & why?

Why wouldn't they? Sure, web developers are sometimes viewed as short bus window lickers compared to applications developers or systems developers due to the large number of kiddies picking up things like PHP as a first language, but that doesn't mean one shouldn't have a strong foundation in computer science to be a good developer, web or not.

3- what distinguish a web developer from another rather than having wide set of programming languages ?

Knowing languages is a poor way to distinguish developers, because a decent developer can pick up a new language with relative easy. Being a good programmer with good problem solving skills is far more important.

4- how can a web developer starts his career fast and in the right way?

There's no "right" way. Build your skill set, practice, and somehow convince an employer to hire you.

commented: Very good answers to career development questions. +3

3- what distinguish a web developer from another rather than having wide set of programming languages?

Short term, the particular tools and libraries you know make more of a difference. But you can't build a career out of that. The tools, libraries and technologies people are using change dramatically over time. Much of what we're using now did not exist 5-10 years ago.

To do well in this industry, you need a fair amount of general knowledge, and you need to be continuously learning and improving your skills.

Any grade school kid can throw together a PHP site and sell T-shirts. (I have a nephew doing just that. ;-) But if you want a successful career, you need to be "in it for the long term."

Thanks Guys for your answers and special thanks to "Narue"
you said the that terminology is the difference between web coder and web developer can you explain more about that
and second what should I study in computer science especially if I will be focus only on light-weight languages like PHP and may be Ruby in the future, if you know good reference that teaches Computer science and algorithms briefly rather those books of thousands of pages , that would be nice from you :)

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