Many of us are often required to submit project reports for the softwares developed by there any standard format that needs to be followed???Also are there any sample reports available for reference????

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Many of us are often required to submit project reports for the softwares developed by there any standard format that needs to be followed???Also are there any sample reports available for reference????

In general most projects follow a simple pattern.

Or sumthing like dat.

If you follow those you can't go 2 wrong.

i need a ready project report on software devlopment now.please help me.

i need a "ready to submit" a project report on software development.can you please provide me any project report just now.

commented: **** off -4

i need a "ready to submit" a project report on software development.can you please provide me any project report just now.

Are you kidding me? You expect us to help you cheat your way through your education? Don't make me laugh :icon_frown: I hope you fail your class, because we don't need any more people like you in the professional software-development business.

ps. closed.

commented: niek_e in da house! +2
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