So a cert exam is the next option and I have to plan well before I face the real exam. I am going for A+ cerrtification, but as an introvert i have much less knowledge on how to cope up with this exam.
Some say do exhaustive study, I am following it. Can any one help me with some tips on how to fare well for this exam.
Your help will be much appreciated.

Hello Buddy,
I feel you are new to certification................
So dude just do some detailed study and practice hard with some sample questions. This is what I can say to you.

Thanks for the advice that you have provided me. I have been following the Groth book. There are some points that need to be discussed in detail because reading from a single book becomes much difficult for me to understand. I need some extra study notes.
Can any one just help me to get some extra few. Your help will be much appreciated.

Thanks for the advice that you have provided me. I have been following the Groth book. There are some points that need to be discussed in detail because reading from a single book becomes much difficult for me to understand. I need some extra study notes.
Can any one just help me to get some extra few. Your help will be much appreciated.

Buddy there are various sites which provide quality study materials like ucertify, transcender, measureup, cram session, testking etc. You can try anyone of them.

Buddy there are various sites which provide quality study materials like ucertify, transcender, measureup, cram session, testking etc. You can try anyone of them.

:cheesy: I got some good practice questions, simulation stuff from Hope this will help me to get over all my problems regarding a cert exam.

Is uCertify any good for A+ 220-601??? i'm trying to pass it. i almost did. got a 590 need 675 out of 900 need some better material to study on.

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