# This program converts US measurements
# to metric measurements.
# Constants for valid values
MAX_TEMP = 1000
def main():
1.Miles to Kilometers.
2.Farenheit to Celsius.
3.Gallons to Liters.
4.Pounds to Kilograms.
5.Inches to centimeters.
input('What would you like to convert?')
if selection == '1':
# Get the number of miles.
miles_needed = int(input('Enter the number of miles: '))
# Convert miles to kilometers.
elif selection == '2':
# Get the degrees farenheit.
farenheit_needed = int(input('Enter the degrees Farenheit: '))
# Convert fahrenheit to celsius.
elif selection == '3':
# Get the number of gallons.
gallons_needed = int(input('Enter the number of gallons: '))
# Convert gallons to liters.
elif selection == '4':
# Get the number of pounds.
pounds_needed = int(input('Enter the number of pounds: '))
# Convert pounds to kilograms.
elif selection == '5':
# Get the number of inches.
inches_needed = int(input('Enter the number of inches: '))
# Convert inches to centimeters.
elif selection == '6':
print ('Unknown option selected!')
# The intro function displays an introductory screen.
def intro():
print('Hello Will, This program will convert')
print('US measurements to Metric measurements,')
# The miles_to_kilometers function accepts a number
# of miles and displays the equivalent number of kilometers.
def miles_to_kilometers(miles):
kilometers = miles * 1.6
if miles > VALID_VALUE:
print('That converts to', kilometers, 'kilometers.')
print('Error invlaid value.')
# Validate the VALID_VALUE.
while miles < 0:
print('Error: the value cannot be negative.')
miles = int(input('Enter the number of miles: '))
print('That converts to', kilometers, 'kilometers.')
kilometers = miles * 1.6
# The farenheit_to_celsius function accepts a number
# of degrees and displays the equivalent number of celsius.
def farenheit_to_celsius(farenheit):
celsius = (farenheit - 32) / 1.8
if farenheit < MAX_TEMP:
print('That converts to', celsius, 'celsius.')
print('Error invalid value.')
# Validate the VALID_VALUE.
while farenheit > MAX_TEMP:
print('Error: the value cannot be >1000 degrees.')
farenheit = int(input('Enter the degrees farenheit: '))
print('That converts to', celsius, 'celsius.')
# The gallons_to_liters function accepts a number
# of gallons and displays the equivalent number of liters.
def gallons_to_liters(gallons):
liters = gallons / .26417
print('That converts to', liters, 'liters.')
# The pounds_to_kilograms function accepts a number
# of pounds and displays the equivalent number of kilograms.
def pounds_to_kilograms(pounds):
kilograms = pounds / 2.2
if pounds > VALID_VALUE:
print('That converts to', kilograms, 'kilograms.')
print('Error invalid value.')
# The inches_to_centimeters function accepts a number
# of inches and displays the equivalent number of centimeters.
def inches_to_centimeters(inches):
centimeters = inches / .3937
if inches > VALID_VALUE:
print('That converts to', centimeters, 'centimeters.')
print('Error invalid value.')
# Call the main function.
this is what i have so far but the program won't run due to an indention error or an error related to the break.