At the moment I am trying to decide which book to buy, there are many that I think would be very interesting, but some are most likely beyond me. The books in my list, along with my thoughts on them are:
Concrete Mathematics (I believe this is probably too advanced for me at the moment, however I am revising mathematics and will want to pick this up in a few months)
The art of computer programming volumes 1-4 (I have read many times that one should be familiar with the concepts in Concrete Mathematics before attempting to consume this book, so I imagine its for later life!)
Hacker's Delight (one of the comments on amazon said something about being akin to The art of computer programming volume 0, so I imagine this might be beyond me as well.)
Programming Pearls (This is supposed to be a classic, and I am not too sure what level you would have to be at to understand or gain from it )
The Pragmatic Programmer (this looks like a great book, covering some very important things for someone of my level to understand. Considering it says "from journeyman to master" I imagine this covers content suitable to a wide range of levels)
Introduction to algorithms (this is probably an important book to get. My knowledge of algorithms, algorithm design and asymptotic complexity analysis isnt what it should be...)
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship (this sounds interesting, but I'm not sure its what I need right now)
Cracking the Coding Interview: 150 Programming Questions and Solutions (although I'm not looking for a job, this could give me a good idea of the kinds of realistic programming problems one might be required to solve. At the moment I'm focussing on web development and improving my mathematics, so I think this should be left for later. This could be interesting accompaniment for when I pick up c++ nearer the new year, along with websites such as project Euler, hackerrank, topcoder, codechef etc. But considering I'm not good at measuring efficiency and designing elegant and clean solutions to problems, I think its for a later date?)
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software ( This seems like a fun little read, my knowledge of hardware is very basic, and I could probably gain something from this. )
The Annotated Turing: A Guided Tour Through Alan Turing's Historic Paper on Computability and the Turing Machine (this could be very important?)
if I had to say which three are probably msot valuable to me at the moment I would go with The pragmatic programmer, Introduction to algorithms and Programming pearls, in that order.
What would people who have read some of these titles suggest? Advice is appreciated.
p.s sorry if my thoughts on these matters are in some way flawed, if this is indeed the case, please point it out in your answers!
links to the books above on
The art of computer programming vol 1-4a
Clean Code: A handbook of Agile Software Craftmanship