can u type any random letters and save it as an .exe file and then run it and have it work?

what is an .exe file?

EXE means executable file.

We can save any file as exe and it will be executed also but whatever we have written inside it will be executed

For example if you save a Blank notepad file as "abc.exe" , file will be created but it wont be performing any action because nothing is written in it

can u type any random letters and save it as an .exe file and then run it and have it work?

what is an .exe file?

No. Random letters will rarely if ever generate executable code.

No. Random letters will rarely if ever generate executable code.

Though one thousand monkeys typing on one thousand typewriters...

can anyone please give me some examples of exe files or anything.

Just about every piece of software you use on your computer is an exe file. Just look about your program files directory. They're everywhere in there.

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