Hey guys,
Basically i want to create a database in Access 2002 that will hold names of functions of a mobile phone. When the user enters a search the databse should query the information held within it, display the appropriate search results.
It should be able to serach for precise function names entered such as Write Message,Inbox, Message Settings, Clear Cache memory.
Partial words such as WRI would display WRITE messgae, Write email, TEmplate, and INB would display INBOX,and also ambigiuos words such as message the results should be Inbox, Outbox, saved messages etc. all words that are related to that catergory.
I am slighlty confused as to how i go about making the different tables as i have never used Access before. Should i create different tables for each main function such as Messgaes and list all function names as records within the table?? or have a table for all ambigiuos words and anoterh for partial?? and how it should be queried using SQL.
If you could help me out and lead me to a right direction i would be grateful!!
THANKS! :lol: