
As a requirement of one of my assignments, we have to upload images, videos and audio files in a column called fileContents. Earlier I had set the data type for the column as 'Image'. But my professor says that I wont be able to upload Audio or video to that column if I do that. So I reverted to 'Binary' and am now stuck with a maximum length of 8000. Now we all know that it is not possible to have audio or videos within that size range, although maybe we might be able to find images to fit there. Is there any data type that can solve this problem?

Also, I am saving the MIME type of the file in a separate column to know what kind of file it is.

Your professor is wrong you can use the Image data type to store any type of binary information. I store word document, pdf, etc with Image. Revert back to image and go from there... but don't tell your professor he is wrong!

Your professor is wrong you can use the Image data type to store any type of binary information. I store word document, pdf, etc with Image. Revert back to image and go from there... but don't tell your professor he is wrong!

LMAO!! Thanks, I had a feeling about that because why else were we storing the mime type but to know what we were storing ;-)

And I certainly wont tell him !!

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