hey guys,
I've just got sql server installed in my system but i dont know how to start it. There are 3 options when i click on "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" in the programs namely:
SQL Server Configuration Manager
SQL Server Error and usage reporting
SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
I intend to use asp.net also but i've installed it as yet.
I'm unable to make any databases or table.
Please Help.

It sounds to me like you installed SQL Server Express without the front-end tools. Can you tell me the switches you used to install SQL Server?

You are looking for "SQL Server Management Studio" to write queries and browse the database

I haven't installed the SQL Server. A colleague of mine did but he's not available at the moment. So i have no ideas which switches were used for installation.

I think you have only installed the SQL Server Client Components,

You need the Server components of the SQL Server to be installed for running databases.

After installing the SQL Server, you will get the "SQL Server Management Studio" to manage the Databases.

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