Good afternoon. I am trying to import a csv file to a SQL database hosted through GoDaddy. However, I continue to receive an error which states "Line 7 has 24 values (20 expected)". Line 7 in my .csv file only has 20 columns (20 values) and no matter what I try I cannot get my data to import. I have tried removing line 7 from my .csv file altogether, but then the error says a different line has 24 values and only 20 are expected. I have tried removing countless lines of records to see if I can get rid of this error message to no avail. Obviously, there is a deeper problem here. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what my problem(s) might be? I am not extremely familiar with Databases. While I did take a course or two in college in database development we worked with Oracle and the DB was hosted on the school servers. Thus, I am not very familiar at all in my current DB environment. Any help, suggestions, or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Make sure that line 7 (and all lines for that matter) in your csv don't have more than 19 commas. That will give you 20 values in a csv file. This line in a csv file:


actually has 5 values, it's just that 2 of the values are null/blank.

Make sure that line 7 (and all lines for that matter) in your csv don't have more than 19 commas. That will give you 20 values in a csv file. This line in a csv file:


actually has 5 values, it's just that 2 of the values are null/blank.

Darkagn, thank you for the information. That was my problem exactly, In my spreadsheet, I had several commas throughout which created the error. I was able to remove all of the 'extra' and unnecessary commas and now I was able to get half of my records to upload. I am receiving another error message for the other half of the records, but hopefully I can figure that out tomorrow. Thanks again, your help was greatly appreciated, solved my issue, and save me some additional headaches.

You may mark this thread as SOLVED if your issue is sorted out.


i am importing csv file in sql db table using c# code, csv file split with semicolon(;).
when data is import in table then all data is fill in only first two columns and other columns show null. how can solve this problem...**.help me **

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Your csv file isn't a csv file, it's separated with semicolons.

Maybe do a quick search and replace and swap all the semicolons for commas, but you have to be very very careful with this approach.

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