** database table in visual foxpro ver.7 db2, fields: pid,fl1,fl2,fl3
** database table in MS SQL database1 database1 fields: field1,field2,field3

Code in fox:

pMySQLstr="DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER="path+"\SQLEXPRESS;"+"UID="+name+";PWD="+pwd+";Database="+database1"
SQLSETPROP(pMySQLhandle, 'Transactions', 1) && Automatic transactions
SQLEXEC(pMySQLhandle, "update database1 set field1=?uz1, field2=?uz2,field3=?uz3 where id=?pid")
** end sql

This code works from 5 computers in network,
from one is problem, that updating of table in ms sql SERVER
is sometimes very prolonged, and changes in table database1 occurs in some hours.
From another computers in networ is updating of database in sql server immediatly.
I dont know where is the problem.
Is possible that the problem is in network (the problematic computer is on WIFI-network)

Please help me!

This sounds to be a network issue. I would try setting this machine up wired and see if it makes a difference.

This sounds to be a network issue. I would try setting this machine up wired and see if it makes a difference.

Unfortunately wired communicayion is not possible - there are some buildings in around 500 meters. During testing of network, from 1000 ping are 4 lost. I need another solution for fix this problem - programmatically.

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