Hi Guys,

I have a problem connecting to a SQL Server from Windows 7 - this particular server I can only connect to by using the named instance from Win XP - I can connect to other servers that does not require you to connect to the named instance eg:

I can connect to SERVER1 with XP and Win7 64bit

the other server I can connect to SERVER2\sqlexpress with XP but not win7 64bit.

I did google around, and got some suggestion that you must change the connect string if you connect from a 64bit O/S - but I don't get any specific information.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Can you please try SQL authentication not Windows authentication, it may be problem of provisioning

I tried everything - everything is exactly like on XP box and Win7 32bit box - the only thing different is that this is Win7 64bit.

Try to install SQLServer2005_SSMSEE_x64 again from CMD (Run as administrator) try again.. I have exactly the same environment and everything wors pretty good...

Do you connect to a named instance?

This 64bit box can connect to other servers, with the following connection string:

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=Tupperware Distributor System;User ID=sa;Password=pass;

It just cannot connect to this server, with the named instance of "dina"

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;Data Source=\dina;Initial Catalog=Tupperware Distributor System;User ID=sa;Password=pass;

But the XP boxes and Win7 32bit connect to it without problems, and I don't know why this particular server has to be connected to a named instance (I did not set up the servers)

Thanks for your time so far...

In such situation I don't know specific reason for that...
Try instead of Data Source=\dina Data Source={server name}\dina
make sure sql server instance {dina} allows remote connections with named pipes\TCP

Develop an application connects to this server on 64 and catch the exception and detailed exception then send them here..

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