How would it be possible using T-SQL to find the raw amount of time that has passed between when the job started and when the job ended?

i have used this function

datediff(ss,grn_date,GETDATE()) .

this function gets the jobs done how ever if the diffrence btw the dates is huge like grn_date is in u know 2006-1-1 then i get the error that"Arithmetic overflow error converting int to data type numeric." so now what do i do to get the values.

DateDiff returns an Int not an BigInt, that's why you get the error.

One work arround is to get the minutes and then multiple by 60, to get the seconds, like this:

ABS(CONVERT(BigInt, (DateDiff(minute, grn_date, getDate()))) * 60)

I found the answer in this forum:

And here it's a more sofisticated analysis:

You're welcome.

Just mark the thread as solved please.

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