Hi all I'm trying to write a Procedure to subtract days from a data but Ignoring weekends.
This is what I have so far but I have a Syntax error Unexpected END, Expecting ;
I have put a ; after the last END but still get the same error.

CREATE PROCEDURE `production`.`new_procedure` (in fDate Date, fVal int) 
Declare x int default 1; 
Declare NewDate Date; 
WHILE x <= fVal DO 
set NewDate=Date_SUB(fDate,interval x Day); 
WHEN `Saturday` THEN fVal=fVal+1 
WHEN `Sunday` THEN fVal=fVal+1 
Else x=x+1 

Thanks IIm for your reply butI had to change the procedure to A function because the procedure does not return a value.
so now I have this fuction that there is no error messag in it.

delimiter $$
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` FUNCTION `PrcssDate`( fDate Date, fVal int) RETURNS date
Declare x int default 1;
Declare NewDate Date;
WHILE x <= fVal DO
set NewDate=Date_SUB(fDate,interval x Day);
WHEN DAYNAME(NewDate)=`Saturday`
THEN set fVal = fVal+1;
set x=x+1;
WHEN DAYNAME(NewDate)=`Sunday` 
THEN set fVal = fVal+1;
set x=x+1;
set x=x+1;
return NewDate;
End Case;
End While;

My isue with it is that when I try to call the function using SELECT Production.prcssDate(2013-04-04,1) As P1; I get the error "SELECT Production.prcssDate(2013-04-04,1) As P1 LIMIT 0, 1000 Error Code: 1292 Incorrect date value: '2005' for column 'fDate' at row 1"

Thank you all for your help
I Have Solved it by adding apostrophes to the date and to 'Saturday' and 'Sunday'

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