There are two products Harmony Field Unit, and Tuner. The Harmony Field Unit has a Test Date, Test Station, and Test Results
that need to be tracked. The Tuner has a Serial Number, Firmware version, and Hardware Version that needs to be tracked.
The Harmony Field Unit is made up of a Battery, DMR, and Custom PCB. The battery information to track is Serial Number, Lot#, Receive Date, and Test Date.
The DMR information to track is ISN/Serial Number, firmware Version, Hardware Version, and Script Version, and test results which include:
GETPOLLDESC_22,GETPOLLDESC_23,XSUMPRM_71,XSUMPRM_3F1. The Custom PCB information needed to track is Serial Number, Firmware Version,
Hardware Version, Firmware Part Number, Bootloader Version, Bootloader Part Number. This is what i came up with but not sure if it is normalized right
or able to add more products to it. Can you perfect a design?(the data is just test data and values with a ? are unknown at this time)

DMR_ID  DMR_ISN DMR_Version_ID  Test_Result_ID  Test_Date
1       CE948E      1               1           5/23/2013
2       F0BD25      1               2           5/23/2013
3       0ABE0E      2               3           5/23/2013
4       BB7F84      2               4           5/23/2013
5       B48B53      1               5           5/23/2013
6       9DF6FA      1               6           5/23/2013
7       EE1C4D      4               7           5/23/2013
8       AA4E88      4               8           5/23/2013
9       F40D8E      4               9           5/23/2013
10      1D3E9B      4               10          5/23/2013

Battery_ID  Battery_SN  Battery_Lot_Number  Battery_Receive_Date    Battery_Test_Date   
1           DF6F                1               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
2           1C4D                1               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
3           EE1C                1               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
4           0D8E                1               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
5           3E9B                2               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
6           CE94                2               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
7           F0BD                2               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
8           BE0E                2               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
9           7F84                2               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
10          8B53                2               5/22/2013               5/23/2013   
PCB_ID  PCB_Version_ID  PCB_SN  Bootloader_Version  Bootloader_Part_Number  Firmware_Part_Number
1               9           ?           ?                   ?                       ?
2               9           ?           ?                   ?                       ?
3               9           ?           ?                   ?                       ?
4               9           ?           ?                   ?                       ?
5               9           ?           ?                   ?                       ?
6               9           ?           ?                   ?                       ?
7               10          ?           ?                   ?                       ?
8               10          ?           ?                   ?                       ?
9               10          ?           ?                   ?                       ?
10              10          ?           ?                   ?                       ?
Tuner_ID    Tuner_SN    Tuner_Version_ID            
1               ?               5           
2               ?               5           
3               ?               5           
4               ?               5           
5               ?               6           
6               ?               6           
7               ?               6           
8               ?               8           
9               ?               8           
10              ?               8

Version_Type_ID Version_Type_Name               
1                   Tuner               
2                   DMR             
3                   DMR_PCB             

Version_ID  FW_Version  HW_Version  Version_Type_ID     
1               1.2.0       24              2       
2               1.2.1       24              2       
3               1.2.2       24              2       
4               1.2.3       24              2       
5               0.11        1               1       
6               0.12        1               1       
7               0.13        2               1       
8               0.14        2               1       
9               1.2         10              3       
10              1.5         12              3       
Harmony_ID  DMR_ID  PCB_ID  Battery_ID  Test_Date   
1               1       2       5       5/23/2013   
2               2       4       6       5/23/2013   
3               3       7       2       5/23/2013   
4               4       8       3       5/23/2013   
5               5       9       4       5/23/2013   
6               6       10      7       5/23/2013   
7               7       3       1       5/23/2013   
8               8       6       10      5/23/2013   
9               9       5       9       5/23/2013   
10              10      1       8       5/23/2013   

Test_Result_ID  ISN     FW_Version  HW_Version  Self_Status Battery_Voltage GETPRM_D
1               CE948E      1.2.0       24          Okay            11.6    1090516383
2               F0BD25      1.2.0       24          Okay            11.8    1090516383
3               0ABE0E      1.2.1       24          Okay            11.5    1090516383
4               BB7F84      1.2.1       24          Okay            10.5    1090516383
5               B48B53      1.2.0       24          Okay            12      1090516383
6               9DF6FA      1.2.0       24          Okay            11.6    1090516383
7               EE1C4D      1.2.3       24          Okay            11.6    1090516383
8               AA4E88      1.2.3       24          Okay            11.6    1090516383
9               F40D8E      1.2.3       24          Okay            11.7    1090516383
10              1D3E9B      1.2.3       24          Okay            11.5    1090516383

125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228
125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228
125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228
125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228
125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228
125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228
125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228
125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228
125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228
125227008       6416    1.64717E+13         51          12          3584    2269369228

401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537
401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537
401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537
401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537
401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537
401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537
401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537
401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537
401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537
401                 1581            2337            655         45178       13537

The only doubts i'm having is when i go to add another product to the database, how i would do that; Also if it would be better moving the DMR test results into the dmr table. Also i think Allt but one, Versions_Type to Versions has a many to many relationship is that a bad thing?

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