butterflyTee 0 Light Poster

For each of the following tasks, determine (a) the SQL statement needed to perform the stated task using the traditional approach and (b) the SQL statement needed to perform the stated task the JOIN keyword.

A list that displays the title of each book & the name and phone number of the person at the publisher's office whom you would need to contact to record each book.

SELECT title, name, customer
FROM books NATURAL JOIN publisher
WHERE books.pubid = publisher.pubid
AND c.books = record

Determine which orders have not yet shipped & the name of the customer that placed each order. Sort results by dates on the orders was placed.

SELECT lastname, firstname, order#
FROM customers c, JOIN orders, o
WHERE c.customer# = o.customer#(+)
ORDER BY c.customer#;

List the customer number & names of all individuals have purchased books in the Fitness Category.

SELECT title, firstname, lastname 
FROM customers,JOIN orders, orderitems, books 
WHERE customers.customer#=orders.customer# 
AND orders.order#=orderitems.order# 
AND orderitems.isbn=books.isbn 
ORDER BY title = (‘Fitness’) 

Determine book Jake Lucas has purchased.

SELECT lastname, firstname, order# 
FROM customers c OUTER JOIN orders o
WHERE lastname = 'Lucas' and firstname = 'Jake' 
ON c.customer# = o.customers# 
ORDER BY c.customers# = (‘Jake Lucas’) 

Determine profit of each book sold to Jake Lucas. Sort results by date of order. If more than 1 book was ordered, have results sorted by profit amount in descending order.

SELECT lastname, firstname, order# 
FROM customers, JOIN orders, orderitems, books 
WHERE "Profit" 
ORDER BY "Profit" desc; 

Which book was written by an author with the last name Adams ?

SELECT title, authorid 
FROM books, JOIN bookauthor 
WHERE author upper(bookauthor.lastname) = ' ADAMS ' 

What gift will a customer who orders the book Shortest Poems receive?

SELECT title, customer, gift 
FROM books, JOIN promotion ('Shortest Poem') 
ON retail BETWEEN minretail AND maxretail 

Identify the author(s) of books ordered by Becca Nelson

SELECT lastname, firstname, title, customers authorid 
FROM books,JOIN customers, bookauthor 
WHERE customers
ORDER BY ('Becca Nelson') 

Display list of all books in BOOKS table. If a book has been ordered by a customer, also list the corresponding order number(s) & state which the customer resides.

SELECT title, o.order#, state
FROM books b LEFT JOIN orderitems i 
ON b.isbn=i.isbn
left JOIN orders o 
ON o.order#=i.order# 
left JOIN customers c 
ON o.customer#=c.customer#
ORDER BY title;

Produce a list of all customers live in the state of Florida & ordered books about computers.

SELECT lastname, firstname, state, books, order# 
FROM state s,JOIN customers c, orders o (' Florida ') 
WHERE c. customer# AND s. customer# = o. customer#
ON o.customer#=c.customer#
ORDER BY ('Computers')