I know i am, hi im jeremy and im a 3d modeler looking for a coder that's not lazy and is determined to get this game on a roll. We can achieve greatness if we work as a team. And im sure we can come up with an agreement on what type, im open to anything really so
if anyone is interested, or just wondering what i have planned for this feel free to make a comment.

To narrow it down, i want to make a 3rd person to first person shooter, kinda like Metal Gear Solid; it will have online capabilities but also a story mode.

So what i need is:

1 Good/decent programmer that either knows C++/ C# if experienced in the Irrlicht Engine/ Irr-EDIT that's a plus, if not that's fine.

1 Sound technician- any if available.

So that's exactly what we need to have in order to get started. I will be setting up a SVN server using Tortoise soo we can share all thing's we create, it's just convieneint for the group.

I have high hopes for this project and i think it will be very successful if we work as a team in a scheduled manner. F.Y.I. I will be doing the layout of the levels and architectural design, if i could get another person to help me, then thing's will go a little faster.

Thanks for reading and i hope to hear from someone soon and if you want you can email me at Kojima_pr0@yahoo.com. Or message me on either Yahoo messenger (Koji_Pr0@yahoo.com) or MSN Live Messenger (Koji_Pr0@hotmail.com)

God bless!.


i want to make a 3rd person to first person shooter, kinda like Metal Gear Solid; it will have online capabilities but also a story mode.

So what i need is:
1 Good/decent programmer that either knows C++/ C# if experienced in the Irrlicht Engine/ Irr-EDIT that's a plus, if not that's fine.

I don't want to destroy your dreams with this post, but creating a game like metal-gear-solid will require more then 2 persons. Your programming-TEAM must consist out of highly-experienced programmers, because game-programming is damn hard.
Also: Irrlicht will probably not give you up-to-date graphics according to todays standards. Don't know if that's a problem?

commented: You're not crushing his dreams. Better he faces reality while he's young and naive, than when he's much older. Increases the likeliness of him accomplishing his dreams anyways, so you're not hurting anyone. +1

Sorry i have not updated, i have 1 other person, right now that is doing the programming and hes too good, and he does sound, 3d design/architectural, GUI, character animation/modeling- and i do architectural and just modeling in general. I just started on C++ so i would not be of much use right now as far as coding.

UPDATE: We are going to be using the Unreal Engine 2.

New list:

* programmers that can code with either C++/C#.

*Sound technicians.

* 3d artist's/Architectural, using 3d Studio Max, or Maya is a plus-but not required.

*Tester's for clearing up bug's and glitches .

*GUI- Proficiency with Photoshop and/or Painter .

*Character Modeling Unit*

We need more people for this game please consider helping.

UPDATE: We are going to be using the Unreal Engine 2.

Can you afford it????

You know its $350,000+ right? and they wont sell to individuals...

First of all, what is it to you? and if you go to there site it says its 7,000 dollars per license. and 5,000 for +10. And what i can afford is non of your business, if you were on my team then i would tell you.

The program UnrealEd is free and is a program that allows you to edit geometry/make and import animation/sound, you are also required to learn UnrealScript. Just in case you did not know.

Um, no the site says: http://www.unrealtechnology.com/licensing.php?ref=terms

We generally only do business with groups that have a registered corporation and physical business address.

A non-refundable, non-recoupable license fee is due on execution of the agreement. The cost is US $350,000 for one of the available Unreal Engine 2 platforms, plus US $50,000 for each additional platform. A royalty of 3% is due on all revenue from the game, calculated on the wholesale price of the product minus (for console SKUs) console manufacturer fees. In the case of massive-multiplayer online games, the royalty is also due on the additional forms of revenue including subscriptions and advertisements.

and as i said, they wont sell it to you unless you have industry experience and your company is properley registered and has a business premises and corporate history

See that's where you are wrong, do more research! You can buy the URT game from anywhere of course and the unrealED comes with it. The license is separate. And did you notice that there is other options in purchasing on that site? Guess not. Go back and read.

I'm done arguing in something that is clearly pointless. And you, having nothing to do with the project is irrelevant.

And why is my comments like that for? Why did you edit them and put them in 3 different comments????

commented: Bit of an attitude problem there? -3

jbennet doesn't have edit permissions in this forum (neither do I). We don't all moderate all forums.

See that's where you are wrong, do more research! You can buy the URT game from anywhere of course and the unrealED comes with itb

Thats not the engine. Thats just the ability to make maps etc... Thats modding - not game creation. For the cost I quoted you get the actual source code to the engine so you can modify how the game works. E.g make a whole entirely different game. E.g gears of war 2 , americas army (all based on the U2 engine)

Secondky, Unreal Tournament is not the same as Unreal Engine 2. Unreal Tournament 1 doesnt even run on the unreal engine 2.

Thirdly, we did NOT modify your posts. We are not mods of this board. Secondly, if we did, it would be logged at the bottom.


Duplicate posts deleted. It was probably a glitch in vBulletin, so just relax, Fox Hound. I think you might be a little too high strung to work in the gaming industry. :icon_rolleyes:

Duplicate posts deleted. It was probably a glitch in vBulletin, so just relax, Fox Hound. I think you might be a little too high strung to work in the gaming industry. :icon_rolleyes:

Umm...im already in..and who the heck asked your opinion? nope not one person.

This place is no good, go ahead and delete my account. You deleted my post so there is not reason why i should stay.

FoxHound, why are you so agressive?
Calm down.

This game is clearly not going to suceded becauseyou dont understand the tecnnology you say you intend to work with . for example, "programmers that can code with either C++/C#. " . You know that you cant use C# with the unreal engine right? The engine is all C++ code. C# is a managed language and is generally unsuited to games.

Well see now your still getting into my business, thats why im agressive because i despise people like you that only judge and never ask any questions. Are you aware that i use the irrlicht engine as well? no you did not so just do me a favor and just shut your mouth. Wait say all the things you want im out of here.

commented: Settle down beavis -2

Umm...im already in..and who the heck asked your opinion? nope not one person.

You DID ask for my opinion

im open to anything really so
if anyone is interested, or just wondering what i have planned for this feel free to make a comment.

I am commenting.

This place is no good, go ahead and delete my account. You deleted my post so there is not reason why i should stay.

I DIDNT delete your post. I cant delete posts here. In fact, no-one did. Its not in the log, and no, we dont delete accounts. As Narue said, "It was probably a glitch in vBulletin".

Are you aware that i use the irrlicht engine as well? no you did not

And yes, i am aware you use the iirlicht engine, you dont seem to know much about that either as in another thread i remember you telling this guy to use it for making a board game to run a cellphone. A) iirlichit engine doesnt run on phones and b) its not really appropriate for board games

Sorry to break it to you, but phones dont have DirectX or OpenGL. And they (generally) dont have .NET, and even if they do its the compact version. Java ME (installed on 90% of mobiles) would be much more suitable.

I know your type, they are like "yeah im gonna make a game and make millions". Theres a word for it. Vaporware.

just do me a favor and just shut your mouth. Wait say all the things you want im out of here.

Sounds like a deal to me.

commented: Sounds like a deal to me too :) +12
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