
i need solution to this problem

[2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] Android Launch!
[2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] adb is running normally.
[2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] Performing my.batterymanager.batteryviewer activity launch
[2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'Android'
[2010-08-09 17:07:31 - TEst] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'Android'
[2010-08-09 17:07:54 - TEst] New emulator found: emulator-5556
[2010-08-09 17:07:54 - TEst] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
[2010-08-09 17:09:11 - TEst] emulator-5556 disconnected! Cancelling 'my.batterymanager.batteryviewer activity launch'!

not sure exactly what you are doing but after this line:

"Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched."

You have to right click on your project and do run as android application. It requires two run commands, the second one happening there.


i am using "eclipse" and "android sdk and avd manager" to create application called "Battery Usage Viewer" for android

by using eclipse plugin ADT there is no need of having android phone it provides an emulator to check your application

quick question - when it starts up the new emulator do you make sure to unlock the emulator? It starts up as a new phone so you have to actually slide to unlock to get into the phones interface.

Sometimes if you wait to long before unlocking or closing out an already running instance of your activity you can get strange errors like that.

Also post the contents of your logcat, if there is any contents, there may be more issues that you cannot see.

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