Making an Android app for my senior project. The app that the professor wants will have approximately 225 strings. It's basic Q and A with the questions and answers always being in the same order. Would it be better to use the sql database or the strings xml to store all the strings? I would guess database, but I am totally new to mobile development so I wanted to check.

If you leave your name and credentials, I'll cite you in my proposal. No biggie if you don't want to.


Put it in XML as it gives you easy way parsing it as whole blocks. Example:


Oh, I like that a lot. Keeps it real clean. I was afraid a giant xml file would look sloppy.

Oh, I like that a lot. Keeps it real clean. I was afraid a giant xml file would look sloppy.

for a professional application, it would be sloppy. Database is a lot better for those.
For a homework assignment, using a flat file like that is however a viable solution unless you're being tested on your ability to use the database functionality.

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