I'm a computer engineer.
I would like to enter into the world of android programming.
I wish to buy a book in Amazon, but i'm in a bit of a dilema between:

Beginning Android 4 (Beginning Apress):



Beginning Android 4 for games:


Which of these two books is best for me to begin with?

I know: C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, ASP, ASP.NET

Furthurmore, I might add, that I have no Knowledge in java whatsoever (even though I heard it's very similar to c#)

maybe I should buy this book first?:


or shall I learn Java allthogether (for PC that is)

Sorry for the long thread.


I would say go with Beginning Android 4 as Beginning Android 4 for games is for these that have some knowledge of Android already. I'm at the moment reading Android Pro 3, but it is little bumpy ride as authors seems to give to much theory and code is coming in small doses. You can always get code from book on APress site

I would say go with Beginning Android 4 as Beginning Android 4 for games is for these that have some knowledge of Android already. I'm at the moment reading Android Pro 3, but it is little bumpy ride as authors seems to give to much theory and code is coming in small doses. You can always get code from book on APress site

Thanks for the quick reply man.
Ok, what about Java?
Should this book be enough, or should I buy the Java book first? (since I don't know Java)


Since you say you know C# (which has very similar syntax to Java) you will do fine. Just need to be more proactive with Android API, little different from MSDN

commented: The guy was very helpful :) +1

Thanks Peter.
Appreciate you kind help :)

By the way, how do I add u as my friend? :)

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